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supersaturated Meaning in Bengali




supersaturated শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তাপমাত্রা শিশিরাঙ্কের নিচে থাকার পরও কুয়াশা বা শিশির তৈরী না হয় তবে বাষ্পকে অতিপৃক্ত বলা হয় ।

এগুলো সম্ভবত সিলিকা দ্বারা অতিপৃক্ত ম্যাগমা হতে জাত ।

যদি বাষ্পচাপ সাম্যাবস্থার মান অতিক্রম করে, তখন এটি অতিপৃক্ত হয়ে যায় এবং যেকোন সুলভ নিউক্লিয়েশন স্থানে, যেমন- ধূলিকণায় ঘনীভূত হয় ।

লবণটির কতো অংশ দ্রবীভূত আছে আর কতোটুকু অধঃক্ষেপ অবস্থায় তা ভূমিকা রাখে না(অতিপৃক্ত দ্রবণ) ।

টেট্রাগোনাল কাঠামো আকারে পরিণত হয় যাকে মার্টেনসাইট বলা হয় যা কার্বন দ্বারা অতিপৃক্ত থাকে ।

supersaturated's Usage Examples:

A supersaturated solution is in a metastable state; it may be brought to equilibrium.

continues to rise up to the surface and more water is dissolved, it becomes supersaturated.

This candy is formed by allowing a supersaturated solution of sugar and water to crystallize onto a surface suitable for.

Shallow marine waters are generally supersaturated in calcite, CaCO3, because as marine organisms (which often have shells.

The resultant solution is described as supersaturated, meaning that there is more solute dissolved in the solution than would.

In the latter case, there must be a concentration gradient from the supersaturated value in the solution to the concentration in equilibrium with the crystal.

The solid sugar crust is formed from a supersaturated sugar solution with a filling of choice.

A cloud chamber consists of a sealed environment containing a supersaturated vapor of water or alcohol.

Each flake nucleates around a dust particle in supersaturated air masses by attracting supercooled cloud water droplets, which freeze.

appearance of a crystalline phase from either a supercooled liquid or a supersaturated solvent.

is because small particles from one cloud are blown into neighboring supersaturated air and act as nucleation particles for the next thunderhead cloud to.

[citation needed] In above-freezing temperatures the air would have to be supersaturated to around 400% before the droplets could form.

surface of quiescent bodies of water, even when the bulk water is not supersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate.

supersaturated hot water or cold beer.

Recent research has found many more substances which create the effect, even in initially non-supersaturated liquids.

It can form by direct deposition from a supersaturated solution, which produces true crystalline metatorbernite, with a dark.

They are usually formed in warm, supersaturated, shallow, highly agitated marine water intertidal environments, though.

The large crystal can be grown by dipping the seed into a supersaturated solution, into molten material that is then cooled, or by growth on.

The most common reusable heat pads contain a supersaturated solution of sodium acetate in water.

which results when a stalactite is immersed in rising water which is supersaturated with calcium carbonate.


saturated; concentrated;


loose; distributed; unsaturated;

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