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supersaturation Meaning in Bengali


supersaturation's Usage Examples:

the condensation of water vapor onto condensation nuclei when the supersaturation of air exceeds a critical value according to Köhler theory.

supersaturation at depth to 30% of the designer's maximum, and to 85% at the surface.

In effect the user is selecting a lower maximum supersaturation.

critical size is dictated by many different factors (temperature, supersaturation, etc.

ascend immediately to a depth where the supersaturation reaches but does not exceed the critical supersaturation level, at which depth the pressure gradient.

for Liesegang ring formation referred to as the Ostwald-Liesegang supersaturation-nucleation-depletion cycle.

tissue, it can raise the combined gas concentration in the tissue to a supersaturation sufficient to cause the formation or growth of bubbles, without changes.

one observes immediate reactivity to an increase of the vapour phase supersaturation towards condensation.

inversely proportional to a quantity called the relative supersaturation where Relative supersaturation = (Q – S)/S The Q is the concentration of reactants.

a condition known as supersaturation.

The gas will not necessarily form bubbles in the solvent at this stage, but supersaturation is necessary for bubble.

temperature or the degree of supersaturation changes during the growth process by changing the crystal tips.

The level of supersaturation determines the general.

In vivo supersaturation is the behavior of orally administered compounds that undergo supersaturation as they pass through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

Then wait for this supersaturation to reduce and become just saturation (relative humidity = 100%), which.

oxygen at 150 percent supersaturation, and very low primary production in the water column.

Despite the high oxygen supersaturation in most of the lake.

the degree of supersaturation is at its highest level.

The tips of these protrusions will clearly be the points of highest supersaturation.

Haldane constructed schedules which limited the critical supersaturation ratio to "2", in five hypothetical body tissue compartments characterized.

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