supinate Meaning in Bengali
(হাত অথবা হস্ত চালু
Similer Words:
supinate's Usage Examples:
keyboard, their hands are pronated; when washing their face, they are supinated.
Its function is to supinate the forearm.
The patient is instructed to actively supinate the forearm, externally rotate the humerus, and flex the elbow against.
to pronate and supinate their hands in rapid succession, holding forearms vertically.
foramen triosseum was present, through which a tendon could elevate and supinate the wing.
Loss of ability to pronate and supinate the forearm (more specialized cursors) Hooves, hoof-like claws, or blunt.
When the forearm is pronated, the brachioradialis tends to supinate as it flexes.
In a supinated position, it tends to pronate as it flexes.
first 15 degrees, an inability to extend the forearm, reduced ability to supinate the hand, reduced ability to abduct the thumb and sensory loss to the posterior.
normal foot should then supinate in preparation for toe-off.
Abnormal pronation occurs when a foot pronates when it should supinate, or overpronates during.
it is unique in that it also functions to flex the great toe and helps supinate the ankle.
In birds, the forearm muscles supinate, pronate, flex and extend the distal wing.
joints, its main function is at the elbow where it flexes the forearm and supinates the forearm.
signer D⊥ fD Df facing away from signer Dᶦ Dm D= to and fro — Dɑ Da Da supinate (turn palm up) Dɑ aD Da supine (palm facing up) Dɒ Db Dᵇ pronate (turn.
The biceps is stronger at elbow flexion when the forearm is supinated (palms turned upward) and weaker when the forearm is pronated.
relatively fixed elbow positions and are therefore unable to pronate or supinate their forearms.
the running and walking cycle, the ankle and foot naturally pronate and supinate by approximately 5 degrees.
If cavus is present, the first step in the manipulation process is to supinate the forefoot by gently lifting the dropped first metatarsal to correct.
shoulder, raise arm (deltoid); flex elbow (biceps) C6 externally rotate (supinate) the arm C6, C7 Extend elbow and wrist (triceps and wrist extensors); pronate.
This confusion can arise because the forearm can pronate and supinate and flip the location of the hand.
supinate's Meaning':
turn (the hand or forearm
curdle; nitrify;