supinated Meaning in Bengali
(হাত অথবা হস্ত চালু
Similer Words:
supinated's Usage Examples:
keyboard, their hands are pronated; when washing their face, they are supinated.
was used in the 1980s to refer to a pronated, or overhand, grip, with a supinated, or underhand, grip being called a "reverse-grip" chin-up.
3) The rotation of the wrist in the hand holding the weapon: supinated (palm up) or pronated (palm down).
held in a fully supinated position, with the fingers on the outside of the ball (to the right for a right-handed bowler).
If this supinated position is maintained.
authors used it as the default meaning of the term, with an underhand/supinated ("palms toward") grip called a "reverse" grip.
When the forearm is extended and supinated, the axis of the arm and forearm are not in the same line; the arm forms.
to the basilic vein as the "virgin vein", since with the arm typically supinated during phlebotomy the basilic vein below the elbow becomes awkward to.
The biceps is stronger at elbow flexion when the forearm is supinated (palms turned upward) and weaker when the forearm is pronated.
flexed, the biceps effectively pulls the radius back into its neutral supinated position in concert with the supinator muscle.
The palms should be facing up (supinated).
through two other means: the active pronation of the arm from an initially supinated position just before the ball is released, and the extension of the wrist.
The body is supinated so that the back turns to the ground, and only the feet and hands make.
A supinated grip at the forearm allows the biceps to contribute more strongly as an.
grip: A reverse grip bench press utilizes an underhand (supinated) grip on the bar.
A supinated grip externally rotates the humerus, which puts the shoulders.
In slow movements and in the supinated forearm it has a minimal flexor action.
Octave Parry #8; blade down and to the outside, wrist supinated.
synonymous with the terms talipes cavus, cavoid foot, high-arched foot, and supinated foot type.
Then, the patient fully extends both arms while supinated.
In the standard anatomical position, the forearms are supinated, which means that the palms are facing forward, and the thumbs are pointing.
wrist supinated.
Octave – Parry #8; blade down and to the outside, wrist supinated.
supinated's Meaning':
turn (the hand or forearm
curdle; nitrify;