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supplicants Meaning in Bengali


সনির্বন্ধ আবেদক,

supplicants's Usage Examples:

It is so named because the supplicants gather at the altar located at the front of the church building.

Needy supplicants who came to it were supplied with food from the resources of the temple.

agent at the Swedish Royal Court and was widely reputed and consulted by supplicants for her contacts and acquired a great deal of influence.

the reign of Paul I, when she wielded great influence as a channel for supplicants to Kutaisov and the emperor, and reportedly accepted substantial sums.

He received supplicants from all over the world, and answered the most complex Halakhic inquiries.

political elite in Sweden of her day and was known to be a person to whom supplicants could turn to in issues which required help from the highest officials.

paintings depicting various forms of the Buddha, often with disciples, supplicants and attendants, with some mural paintings showing sub-tropical themes.

of Queen Charlotte, and handled access between the Queen and various supplicants, which gave her an important influence.

interests of both her family, herself personally as well as individual supplicants and foreign powers in exchange for money.

was also prohibited from promising offices to supplicants or to write recommendations for supplicants to the Doge or to the council, prohibitions which.

The Clusian survivors are reported by Livy to have fled to Rome, as supplicants, and were allowed a district in the city to settle, which later became.

Aware of her de facto position, she was courted by supplicants and political officials.

000 ecus from supplicants to the queen dowager.

Among the supplicants were clients from both the nobility and the public.

supplication for health and success, during which coconuts are smashed on supplicants' heads.

influence over the shah resulted in her being given a lot appeals from supplicants.

could however also help supplicants without involving the king at all.

Several cases are documented in which she helped supplicants with funds from her personal.


canvasser; besieger; suppliant; petitioner; postulant; requester; applier; applicant; solicitor;


pressing; peremptory; urgent; instant; self-assertive;

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