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swaddling clothes Meaning in Bengali


swaddling কাপড়,

swaddling clothes's Usage Examples:

displaying babies in swaddling clothes.

In shrines dedicated to Amphiaraus, models representing babies wrapped in swaddling clothes have been excavated.

Pólya (Hungarian for "swaddling clothes") is a surname.

Child") is the name given in art to the image of the infant Jesus in swaddling clothes common in Roman Catholic churches.

Seven children kneel, in black gowns and the others are in swaddling clothes of red and lying in a heap behind their mother.

It symbolizes the swaddling clothes with which Christ was wrapped at his Nativity, and also the grave.

displaying recumbent effigies of herself with an infant child wrapped in swaddling clothes and of her husband (unusual as he died ten years later and was not.

1421–24, Andrea della Robbia provided glazed terracotta babes in swaddling clothes in tondos with plain blue backgrounds to be set in the spandrels of.

of giving Saturn their final child, Jupiter, she wrapped a rock in swaddling clothes, and fed the stone to Saturn instead of Jupiter.

to stand before Him immediately on His birth, that seeing Him in swaddling clothes, He might seem the more wonderful.

English dictionary in 1928; it derived from the French phrase for swaddling clothes.

The omphalos represents the stone that Rhea wrapped in swaddling clothes, pretending it was Zeus, in order to deceive Cronus.

According to Morris Allison Bealle, "Football at Annapolis had shed its swaddling clothes when the autumn of 1885 rolled around.

neither has swaddling clothes to wrap Nor clothes-to-wear for the baby of Emperor Do not cry, my mother! Do not cry, my mother! Swaddling clothes we will.

"The infancy of the Babe is exhibited by the humiliation of swaddling clothes: the greatness of the Highest is declared by the voices of angels.

Before leaving for India, Thomas buried Christ's swaddling clothes underneath the altar of the church of the Holy Mother of God.

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the.

by the agency to Dosadi as their "best", he was like an infant in swaddling clothes in comparison to a people honed by fifteen generations of violence.

The omphalos represents the stone which Rhea wrapped in swaddling clothes, pretending it was Zeus, in order to deceive Cronus.

of the Child shows a moonlit scene with Mary laying the Child in swaddling clothes.




undergarment; overgarment;

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