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sweepings Meaning in Bengali

 জঁজাল, ঝাড়ু দেওয়া আবর্জনা, জঞ্জাল ইঃ,



sweepings শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অতিকথাটির প্রভাব ছিল অন্য কে কোনও অধিকথার তুলনায় বৃহত্তর ও অনেক বেশ সুদূরপ্রসারিত

sweepings's Usage Examples:

illegal to sell, because of its unhygienic origins from mill waste floor sweepings, and only eaten by the poor.

He built two windmills to pump water to his park and had the sweepings from San Francisco streets delivered as fertilizer.

(derived from the burning of coal or wood), garbage, rubbish, and street-sweepings.

While offering the sweepings from the home is still done, what is in the sweepings can be much different from ancient Athens.

independently to commit sweepings with his group, against undesirables and un-Islamic elements.

Since then, FPI Lamongan actively committed sweepings .

"Leaf litter in street sweepings: investigation into collection and treatment" (PDF).

dirty water, and general household waste such as kitchen refuse and sweepings.

subset of variables can be equivalently obtained by a sequence of partial sweepings on each individual variable in the subset and the order of the sequence.

Wheat midds are sometimes referred to negatively as "floor sweepings" although such products are generally captured long before they would.

(and of his lime patent) is the use of "road sweepings" as a raw material.

He says that if the sweepings are not available he obtains 'the limestone itself".

cigarettes were produced in unhygienic factory conditions and included tobacco sweepings, sawdust, dirt, banned chemicals, as well as high levels of tar and nicotine.


swan; brush; sail; move;


noncomprehensive; thin; narrow;

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