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swimmerets Meaning in Bengali

নির্দিষ্ট জলজ crustaceans এর জোড়া পেটের অ্যাপেনডাজে যে নারী ডিম বহন জন্য প্রাথমিকভাবে কাজ এবং সাধারণত সাঁতার জন্য অভিযোজিত এক

swimmerets's Usage Examples:

pleopods fourth pleopods fifth pleopods uropods Pleopods (also called swimmerets) are primarily swimming legs, and are also used for brooding the eggs.

Each has pairs of swimmerets on the underside that are yellow and black.

The lobes of the tail are colored similarly to the swimmerets.

They swim forward by paddling with swimmerets on the underside of their abdomens, although their escape response is.

shrimp-like species whose pleopods (abdominal appendages) function as swimmerets.

The abdominal segments contain swimmerets, which aid in swimming.

are decopods, so all species have five pairs of swimming legs called "swimmerets", very similar to those of a lobster or freshwater crayfish.

  The female then lays the eggs on her swimmerets, and reproduction takes place when a male passes a sperm packet to the.

segments, length of marginal abdominal hair, sparse layer of hair on the swimmerets, and the presence of a structure known as a "lock mechanism" on males.

During the furcilia stages, segments with pairs of swimmerets are added, beginning at the frontmost segments, with each new pair only.

Pleopods (also called swimmerets).

A female Caridina cantonensis sp "blue" with eggs carried within her swimmerets.

In this stage, the pleopods (swimmerets; abdominal appendages) become functional, and the animal closely resembles.

days of copulation, and the eggs are brooded on the female's pleopods (swimmerets) until they are ready to hatch.

Male and female specimens can be distinguished by examining the swimmerets.

The abdomen includes pleopods (also known as swimmerets), used for swimming as well as the tail fan, composed of uropods and the.

During spawning, a female extrudes fertilized eggs onto her swimmerets and carries them in a large egg mass, or sponge, while they develop.

Underneath the thorax behind the walking legs are paired pleopods (swimmerets) used for swimming and brooding eggs.

They are then attached to the female's pleopods (swimmerets) using an adhesive, where they are cared for until they are ready to hatch.

coming from the muscles, body wall, and appendages such as walking legs, swimmerets and mouthparts.

After the male and female mate, the female holds the eggs in her swimmerets for around four to six weeks until she lays them.

swimmerets's Meaning':

one of the paired abdominal appendages of certain aquatic crustaceans that function primarily for carrying the eggs in females and are usually adapted for swimming


shrimp; lobster; extremity; appendage; pleopod; isopod; member;



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