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sympathising Meaning in Bengali

sympathising's Usage Examples:

Azerbaijan at the time, grew wary of the ethnic Germans potentially sympathising with the advancing army of the Third Reich and deported them to Central.

The Right Club was a small group of antisemitic and fascist sympathising renegades within the British establishment formed a few months before World War.

Below are the four de facto Governments in Oslo during the war, either sympathising with or actually appointed by German Forces.

"fellow traveller") is a person believed to be tied to or passively sympathising of certain social movements, often to those that are prevalent, controversial.

That congress recognised two sympathising groups in Britain.

Originally the party remained a "sympathising member of Communist International.

involved with a small trotskyist organisation, the Communist League (sympathising organisation of the Fourth International) helping to produce its newspaper.

and followed him twice into exile, once when he was exiled by Nero for sympathising with two outcasts (Brutus and Cassius), then for the second time when.

The 2003 World Congress of the International reorganised it as a sympathising group, reflecting a decline in the GCR's membership.

It is the sympathising Irish section of the International, within which it has been critical.

After sympathising with the 1989 Tiananmen Square student protests, he left the country.

was to bring together literary men, and those immediately connected or sympathising with literature, the arts, sport or science.

Hattersley wrote a piece in The Guardian, sympathising with The Princess Royal after one of her dogs had allegedly attacked.

the listener's complaint, stating that Garvey gave the impression of sympathising with the interviewee's viewpoint, and "did not challenge the interviewee.

Lahore on 17 April 2004, with the merger of the United Socialist Party (a sympathising section of the CWI) and the Marxist Workers' Tendency.

Conference held that year in Buenos Aires, where it would be admitted as a sympathising section; two years later, it would be added as a full section.

5 million marchers in Hong Kong sympathising with the participants of the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.

for a Workers International at the OA Summer Camp in 2002 and became a sympathising section of the CWI in February 2004.

The IMG emerged from the International Group, a sympathising organisation of the International Secretariat of the Fourth International.


experience; feel; sympathize;


inexperience; stay; suffer;

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