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syncarp Meaning in Bengali

বহু একক ছোট ফল বা drupes একটি সাধারণ আধার মধ্যে পৃথক ডিম্বাশয় থেকে প্রাপ্ত গঠিত ফল: উদাঃ জাম; ফলবিশেষ; আনারস

syncarp's Usage Examples:

expand, they become connate (merge) into a multiple fleshy fruit called a syncarp.

Full-grown larvae live in the upper part of the pedicel and in the syncarp, which they reinforce with silk.

The fruit is a green syncarp, 2-2.

The fruit is a syncarp.

On female trees, the inflorescence is a single ellipsoid or ovoid syncarp, or fruiting head, with off-white bracts.

The best fitting model for syncarp size evolution indicated an increase in both syncarp size and the rate of syncarp size evolution in the Osage orange.

after being fertilized, forms a fleshy compound fruit known as a syncarp.

This syncarp, which is black when fully ripe, looks like that of Morus nigra.

[citation needed] The syncarp may be cylindrical to spherical in shape, and ranges from 10 to 15 cm across.

Each fruit consists of many individual small fruits or syncarps, with one syncarp and seed per pistil.

Flower clusters develop into a single fruit (syncarp).

Female flower clusters produce a single, complex fruit, a syncarp, 3.

develop as a connate organ —they merge into a multiple fleshy fruit called a syncarp.

They develop into a rounded complex fruit (syncarp) that is solitary and 9.

months, the flower heads develop into a fleshy globular multiple fruit (syncarp) joined by their calyces (each flower becoming a fruitlet containing one.

serotinous; the fruit from the same inflorescence are sometimes fused forming a syncarp.

some completely different sort of inflorescence such as a fig; which is a syncarp.

The three carpels are at a constant under (syncarp) ovary adherent which has a soft-spiky surface and many central angle constant.

The evolution of syncarps.

syncarp's Meaning':

fruit consisting of many individual small fruits or drupes derived from separate ovaries within a common receptacle: e.g. blackberry; raspberry; pineapple

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