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syncarpous Meaning in Bengali


(সপুষ্পক উদ্ভিদের ডিম্বাশয় এর



syncarpous's Usage Examples:

is syncarpous.

A syncarpous gynoecium can sometimes appear very much like a monocarpous gynoecium.

The degree of connation ("fusion") in a syncarpous gynoecium.

characterised by alternate, usually pinnate leaves without stipules, and by syncarpous, apparently bisexual (but actually mostly cryptically unisexual) flowers.

Most syncarpous monocots and some eudicots have open styles, while many syncarpous eudicots and grasses have closed (solid).

types include: Basal: The placenta is found in mono to multi carpellary, syncarpous ovary.

Typical syncarpous gynoecia exhibit four vertical zones, determined by the extent of fusion.

Together, the four tribes make up the syncarpous clade, all members of which have syncarpous ovaries with united carpels.

gynoecium has two to five carpels (members of a compound pistil) and is syncarpous; i.

closely related to tribes Caryoteae, Corypheae and Borasseae, forming the syncarpous clade.

five epipetalous stamens (stamens fused to the petals), and a two-part syncarpous and superior gynoecium.

The two to many carpels can be fused together (syncarpous), with two to numerous ovules in each locule, with axile placentation.

The syncarpous ovary of this melon is made up of four carpels, and has one locule.

Following pollination, the flowers grow into a syncarpous fruit, and these are capable of growing into very large sizes.

unisexual flowers are slightly dimorphic, solitary, or in rows; all have syncarpous, triovulate gynoecium.

Gynoecium: it is bicarpellary, syncarpous, superior, unilocular, ovule one, basal placentation, style single and.

staminodes basally fused forming a deciduous synandrium; carpels 13-70, syncarpous, fused for more than half of their length, forming a flattened apical.

(Tetracentron) to slightly semi-inferior (Trochodendron), of 4-11(-17) carpels, syncarpous (alternating with the stamens in Tetracentron) to semicarpous, the dorsal.

Gynoecium- Carples 5, syncarpous, ovary superior,penta or multilocular with axile placentation, one ovule.

syncarpous's Meaning':

(of ovaries of flowering plants

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