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syncretisms Meaning in Bengali

ইউনিয়ন (অথবা লয় চেষ্টা


সমন্বয়-প্রচেষ্টা, ধর্মক্ষেত্রে অযৌক্তিক আপস,

syncretisms's Usage Examples:

identified as separate religions, as is the case with Caribbean and Brazilian syncretisms between Catholicism and West African religions, which include Haitian.

The second refers to the study of syncretisms between two cultures with different stages of formal expression, such.

South Sudan are of African heritage who practice either Christianity or syncretisms of Christian and Traditional African religion.

of epithets representing different aspects or roles, or representing syncretisms with non-Roman deities.

There are syncretisms, for instance the already mentioned suffix -m, that stands for both agreement.

The syntax and syncretisms of the person-case constraint.

for example, whereas the neighboring Baoulé have evolved a variety of syncretisms, following prophets that promise good fortune as a reward for allegiance.

times as many people across the country, when the estimates include syncretisms.

the Dionysian and Serapian variations, probably including Apollonian syncretisms, as well as parallel cults like that of Aphrodite as a Hellenistic substitute.

On occasion, this has led to syncretisms, that are often not accepted by mainstream Christians: In Cuban Santería.

Folk religion in the medieval period produced syncretisms between pre-Christian and Christian traditions.

The religious landscape of Cuba is also strongly defined by syncretisms of various kinds.

cultural contact between the Mediterranean and the East, giving rise to syncretisms like Greco-Buddhism.

experts from all over the place anxious to hear novelties and promising syncretisms of various musical civilisations, and it was a triumph.

syncretisms's Meaning':

the union (or attempted fusion




disunion; detribalisation;

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