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tangelo Meaning in Bengali

tangelo's Usage Examples:

The tangelo (/ˈtændʒəloʊ/ TAN-jə-loh, /tænˈdʒɛloʊ/ tan-JEL-oh; C.

The Jamaican tangelo, also known by proprietary names ugli /ˈʌɡli/ fruit, uglifruit, and uniq fruit, is a citrus fruit that arose on the island of Jamaica.

Fairchild tangerine is a cross between a Clementine mandarin and an Orlando tangelo.

skin than a tangerine and is less sweet 'K–Early' ('Sunrise Tangelo') 'Minneola tangelo': Bowen grapefruit × Dancy tangerine 'Orlando' (formerly 'Take'):.

but believed to be a hybrid between a pomelo and either a mandarin or tangelo.

The Minneola tangelo is named after the city.

Ujukitsu, Citrus ujukitsu, or 'lemonade fruit', likely a tangelo, a Kishu mikan crossed with a pomelo-like fruit, produced by citrus pioneer.

Further crosses have produced the tangelo (1905), the Minneola tangelo (1931), and the oroblanco (1984).

Its seed parent has been identified as the King tangelo; the pollen parent remains to be identified.

orange peel Vivid orchid Vivid raspberry Vivid red Vivid red-tangelo Vivid sky blue Vivid tangelo Vivid tangerine Vivid vermilion Vivid violet Vivid yellow.

A tangelo is a type of citrus fruit.

Imperial lemon Indian wild orange Iyokan Jabara Jaffa orange Jamaican tangelo Kabbad Kabosu Kakadu lime Kalpi Kanpei Kawachi Bankan Key lime Khasi papeda.


tangelo tree; Citrus tangelo; ugli fruit; edible fruit; ugli;

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