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technophobic Meaning in Bengali

technophobic's Usage Examples:

Examples of technophobic ideas can be found in multiple forms of art, ranging from literary works.

The technophobic antagonist of the story found it odd that a person would paint numbers.

Luddite is generally used as a pejorative applied to people showing technophobic leanings.

prognostications on the future of technology, variously interpreted as technophobic allegory or insightful critique into the altered relationship between.

His lone-wolf habits and brusque, technophobic decodings of the world are always a pleasure, though how he maintains.

comic look at the technological singularity through the eyes of Huw, a technophobic member of a "Tech Jury Service" tasked with determining the value of.

Scalzi said that the cover is illustrative of the album's technophobic concerns with impact of digital technology upon society, which were informed.

Hamilton Ivory, an elephant and Andy's technophobic employer.

of the cultural aspects a library can provide, Curley was in no way technophobic.

in Kentwood, Michigan who often clashes with her nature-obsessed and technophobic father Rick, and has recently been accepted into film school in California.

published Description and/or Reference Defiled Unknown Unknown When a technophobic librarian threatens to detonate the library if his card catalog is taken.

video for Starset’s song 'Halo', it feels weightier to consider the technophobic vision of our inevitable doom through the lens of someone who has credentialed.

" Bellafante described the episode as "a fantasy of technophobic paranoia, but it is also a metaphor for mad, crazy blood love, for motherhood.

He admits to being technophobic, a fact which often brings him into conflict with technopagan and computer.

Set in North America in the "near future", a radical technophobic green movement dramatically cuts greenhouse gas emissions, only to find.

As his faculties return, Robert (who has always been technophobic) must adapt to a different world, where almost every object is networked.

Publishers Weekly described it as "a glib, technophobic but compelling look at the end of civilization" and full of "jaunty and.

more complex character, interested in ecological preservation and semi-technophobic.

like Varley's tale, whose flashy surface covers a thin and familiar technophobic theme.

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