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this instant Meaning in Bengali


this instant's Usage Examples:

, 心, mind] at this instant is the Dharmakaya Buddha in your own house.

The non-differentiating light of your heart at this instant is the Sambhogakaya.

At this instant, the velocity vectors of the other points in the body generate a circular.

Point prevalence is akin to a flashlit photograph: what is happening at this instant frozen in time.

At this instant, the time on the clock is recorded as well as the angular elevation of.

Brown hawker, Aeshna grandis in flight: The hindwings are about 90° out of phase with the forewings at this instant, suggesting fast flight.

letter of his own, which reads: Sir: I have this moment received yours of this instant, in which you demand the unconditional surrender of the forces under.

contemporary Parliamentarian newspaper, said of the battle: The 20 of this instant the Lancashire forces near Ormeskirke beat the whole strength of the.

1344/1345) applied the principle "nothing is true unless at this instant" ("nihil est verum nisi in hoc instanti") and concluded that "if a proposition.

marrying catchy melodies to dark lyrics has always been their specialty; this instant classic proves it's a talent undiminished by time.

Product manufactures want to promote and encourage this instant purchase impulse in consumers.

Dobell reaches profundity by his understanding of this life which, at this instant, is realised and merged with his own nature.


blink of an eye; trice; second; moment; twinkling; minute; flash; bit; New York minute; heartbeat; jiffy; wink; split second; mo;


dullness; disappear; hide; uncover; start;

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