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thoughtlessly Meaning in Bengali

thoughtlessly's Usage Examples:

existence it is  That this emerald charms philosophers,  Until they become thoughtlessly willing  To bathe their hearts in later moonlight,  Knowing that they.

consciousness raised back then, but it is surprising to me to realize how thoughtlessly I went along with them.

unattractive or inappropriate to its surroundings– that it has been thoughtlessly "plopped" where it lies.

In the song, Catarì's lover reproaches the girl for thoughtlessly and heartlessly rejecting his abiding love for her; he implores her.

individual who holds a far-left ideology, specifically any person who thoughtlessly defends, idolizes, and fawns over a populist politician and demagogue.

that got them into the college of their choice may not, if followed thoughtlessly, lead to an adult life they will find worth living.

Donkey voters thoughtlessly number the preferences on their ballots from left to right and/or top.

beings who watched over oaths and saw that they were not taken rashly or thoughtlessly.

Gregory, the senses of the body are the windows of the soul, and it is by thoughtlessly looking out through these windows that a person may fall into the pleasure.

divine and human laws and against your own interests, like a man who thoughtlessly cripples himself.

When, finally, he is insulted (thoughtlessly) by a woman, he contemplates, and then asks for shooting leave, to go.

He feigned a check, and, retiring in apparent disorder, was thoughtlessly followed by the Marathas, who, confident of victory, pursued in headlong.

air, his sidekick Tonto laments that the amount of silver the Ranger thoughtlessly wasted could have bought enough food to feed Tonto's entire village.

When he was a newborn baby, Edith Guetz thoughtlessly told her son Tanguy : "If you want to, you can stay at home forever".

clasped-hand variation, is an extremely dangerous technique if used thoughtlessly or improperly.

night verbal code, Cao Cao saw some chicken ribs in his supper soup and thoughtlessly answered "chicken rib".

Greene of Pitchfork Media described the EP as "22 hastily assembled, thoughtlessly sequenced minutes of vivid beats and incredible rapping.

this power, bickering with Morgaine over her usage of power (she had thoughtlessly destroyed most of Europe in her lashing out against the world).

Injections of this sort ought not to be given so thoughtlessly .

his platoon leader, arrives to the house to investigate, and when he thoughtlessly enters he is quarantined with the rest of the men.


unthinkingly; unthinking;


smart; thoughtful; thoughtfully;

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