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told Meaning in Bengali


told's Usage Examples:

During the trip Dodgson told the girls a story that featured a bored little girl named Alice who goes.

He told a girlfriend that a cousin showed him a copy of his birth certificate after calling him a "bastard", but he told biographers Stephen.

Casey also told police that she was working at Universal Studios, a lie she had been telling.

Saldívar was to impress Selena, and did anything the singer told her to do.

One person told Arrarás, "if Selena would say, 'Jump!', [Saldívar] would jump.

in May 2016, a Trump presidential campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, told the Australian High Commissioner to Britain, Alexander Downer, that Russian.

Warren Commission lawyer Burt Griffin later told author Gerald Posner: "I'm not sure if Senator was honest with us about his.

He told me once.

God had told Abram to leave his country and kindred and go to a land that he would show.

as he told the Toledo Blade in 1983, "I was afraid that if I made too much money, I'd have no motivation to make records anymore.

" Mellencamp told VH1 that.

interview, Snowden told NBC News that after bringing his concerns about the legality of the NSA spying programs to officials, he was told to stay silent on.

Ike told Wyatt that Doc Holliday had told him he knew of Ike's meetings with Wyatt and about Ike providing.

Ehrlichman told Attorney General Richard Kleindienst that nobody in the White House had prior knowledge of the burglary.

On April 13, Magruder told U.

He strongly implied that he was Christ; he often told a story envisioning himself on the cross with the nails in his feet and hands.


repeat; divagate; indicate; leave; reiterate; give away; talk; give; let out; retell; pass on; stray; unwrap; air; foretell; discover; publicize; herald; annunciate; iterate; divulge; propagandise; bespeak; impart; signal; inform; wander; announce; propagandize; reveal; betoken; point; expose; publicise; spill; ingeminate; let on; harbinger; restate; break; bring out; digress; disclose; bare;


pack; hold; hide; background; play down;

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