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touch down Meaning in Bengali

 ভূমিতে অবতরণ,

touch down's Usage Examples:

from the spot of the catch, or resume play as normal (in an attempt to touch down the ball in a spot more advantageous for kicking).

such that the object descends at a low enough rate to allow for a gentle touch down.

In both codes of rugby, the term touch down formally refers only to grounding the ball by the defensive team in their.

fighter jets to touch down Agra-Lucknow Expressway/ Taj Expressway on Nov 21".

"IAF jets touch down for opening.

troops from a helicopter in places where the helicopter itself cannot touch down.

football briefly adopted a tie-breaker known as the "touch down" (plural: "touches down").

This "touch down" had similarities to the "rouge" used in the Eton.

was one of the first true amphibians, able to take-off from water and touch down on land.

The game featured a late fourth quarter surge by the Cardinals with two touch down passes thrown in the final quarter of the game.




fall back; dissuade;

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