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trackways Meaning in Bengali


trackways's Usage Examples:

They include ancient trackways, long-lasting roads, important trade routes, and migration trails.

fossil trackways were made by dinosaurs, early tetrapods, and other quadrupeds and bipeds on land.

Marine organisms also made many ancient trackways (such.

University, who had carried out some excavations on nearby trackways.

Coles' interest in the trackways led to the Somerset Levels Project, which ran from 1973.

Such timber trackways have existed since at least Neolithic times.

The trackways are present in Saltwash Member outcrops at Boundary Butte in southernmost Utah.

Dinehichnus trackways are frequently found.

The park was created in recognition of fossil trackways embedded in sandstone from the beginning of the Jurassic period, about.

from fossil trackways that have occasionally been found to preserve only the forefeet (manus) impressions.

Henderson showed that such trackways can be explained.

Rock outcrops in the area preserve numerous examples of early Permian trackways.

These trackways include prints.

The parallel orientation of many of the dinosaur trackways was among the first lines of evidence used to support the novel theory.

Many dinosaur trackways and footprints have been discovered in the riverbed, some as early as.

The formation is most widely known for the dinosaur footprints and trackways found in the Dinosaur Valley State Park near the town of Glen Rose, Texas.

1993 an undergraduate geology student discovered fossilised tetrapod trackways, footprints preserved in Devonian rocks, on the north coast of the island.

fossils include vertebrate footprints, fish fin-tracks, invertebrate trackways (ex.

Its trackways consist of three or four subcircular tracks that are symmetrical around.

was making fossil trackways, now preserved in New Mexico; Walchia leaflets are found in the same fossil layers.

The Monuran trackways were made by Permian.

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