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tradeable Meaning in Bengali


অঙ্কনযোগ্য, অনুসরণযোগ্য,

tradeable শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

দ্য সান অলসো রাইজেস প্রকাশিত হলে তার খ্যাতি ছড়িয়ে পরলে তিনি এই অনুসরণযোগ্য ধরন সৃষ্টির মাধ্যমে প্রথম বিশ্বযুদ্ধ-পরবর্তী প্রজন্মের মুখপাত্র হয়ে ।

থেকে অঙ্কনযোগ্য একটি সংখ্যা হল একটি দ্বিঘাত সমীকরণের সমাধান ।

ডিএনএ ট্র্যাকিং – লেবেলে সংযুক্ত বায়োমেট্রিক জীন যা বিশেষায়িত পদ্ধতিতে অনুসরণযোগ্য

আরও লক্ষ করুন π / 3 {\displaystyle \pi /3} রেডিয়ান (60 ডিগ্রি, 60° লেখা হয়) অঙ্কনযোগ্য

tradeable's Usage Examples:

pricing assumption, for a forward contract on an underlying asset that is tradeable, we can express the forward price in terms of the spot price and any dividends.

North America); Onex Credit (invests in non-investment grade debt through tradeable, private and opportunistic credit strategies); and Gluskin Sheff (a wealth.

Examples include green tax-shifting (ecotaxation), tradeable pollution permits, or the creation of markets for ecological services.

Security analysis is the analysis of tradeable financial instruments called securities.

dollar prevented it from matching any of that devaluation, leaving its tradeable goods to be less competitive with Brazilian exports.

projects and the creation (origination) of financial instruments that are tradeable on the carbon market.

The remaining share is tradeable stock: SIX2 (XETRA).

The BUX index is also a tradeable index.

Valuation is the value of privately held shares that is not directly tradeable at an exchange.

CVRs may be separately tradeable securities; they are occasionally acquired (or shorted) by specialized.

environmentally related taxes, charges and subsidies, emissions trading and other tradeable permit systems, deposit-refund systems, environmental labeling laws, licenses.

In 2018, Altia became a publicly tradeable company on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.

Fictitious capital could also be defined as "tradeable paper claims to wealth", although tangible assets may themselves under.

The LCDX index is a tradeable index with 100 equally weighted underlying single-name loan-only credit.

adverse impact on the growth of firms in tradeable sectors but a positive impact on the growth of firms in non-tradeable sectors.

by Aboriginal people for stone tool manufacture, and as such, it was a tradeable commodity, and silcrete tools can be found in areas that have no silcrete.

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