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truncheon Meaning in Bengali

 লক্ষুদ্র দন্ড, সেনাপতির ব্যাটন বা লাঠি


কর্তৃত্বের নিদর্শনস্বরুপ দণ্ড, প্রহারার্থ লাঠি, ক্ষুদ্র দণ্ড, রূল,

truncheon শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

"থিওরি অব দ্য রূল অব কোভালেন্স ইন দ্য পেরোভস্কাইট-টাইপ ম্যানগানাইটস" ।

truncheon's Usage Examples:

A baton (also known as a truncheon or nightstick) is a roughly cylindrical club made of wood, rubber, plastic or metal.

course of his career, including throwing darts, nunchaku, bō staff and a truncheon.

A club (also known as a cudgel, baton, bludgeon, truncheon, cosh, nightstick, or impact weapon) is among the simplest of all weapons: a short staff or.

It was an iron truncheon; it could closely resemble a wakizashi-sized sword with a blunt iron blade.

The truncheon-type was blunt, cast iron or forged truncheon-like weapon resembling a tekkan or a jitte.

relate that in 1982 the truncheon was stolen, and a similar truncheon was created for a replacement.

The original truncheon was made from an unknown.

staff) kata (Shishiryu no Bo), a Jo (4 ft staff) kata and a Sai (iron truncheon) kata (Nijushiho no Sai).

Meow - to steal, from the Romani word meaning the same Co - a weapon, truncheon, baton (from the Romani word cosht = "stick") Kokefrom the Romani word.

flexible weapons), Kusarifundo (weighted chain-flexible weapons), Jutte (truncheon), Tessen (iron fan), Sasumata (two-horned polearm), Nagehari (thrown weapons).

use of the tachi (long sword), kodachi (short sword), jitte (a hooked truncheon used for arresting and disarming), naginata (glaive), and two-sword fighting.

Armed only with a truncheon, Nicholson attempted to arrest an drunk armed with a revolver who had.

the blade; (j) the weapon sometimes known as a "telescopic truncheon", being a truncheon which extends automatically by hand pressure applied to a button.

alleged that she was raped with a truncheon.

Pardon my saying so, but would our 20-21 year old stout boys need a truncheon? It defies all logic.

in their curriculum, among the bō (six foot staff), sai (three-pronged truncheon), tonfa (handled club), kama (sickle), and nunchaku (two rope- or chain-connected.


nightstick; club; billy club; billystick; billy; baton;


divide; spread;

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