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turn into Meaning in Bengali

 নির্দিষ্ট প্রণালীদ্বারা পরিণত করা,

turn into's Usage Examples:

(Navajo: yee naaldlooshii) is a type of harmful witch who has the ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as an animal.

theory that democracies, like all large organizations, have a tendency to turn into oligarchies.

With sufficient energy, the liquid will turn into vapor.

program Arrow points to a place where fractures are forming that will turn into brain terrain.

sometimes, but not always, considered a tsukumogami that old umbrellas turn into.

Initially, wheals develop quickly, then turn into maculae in about half an hour.

Within 10–12 hours these turn into very itchy papules that reach their worst.

knot, possibly dangerously so, in that it can be yanked out of shape and turn into a running knot or noose.

moving to injured tissue (such as the heart after myocardial infarction), turn into dendritic cells and macrophages while promoting tissue healing.

true with Saturday Night Live which has had many recurring characters turn into movies such as Stuart Smalley, Wayne and Garth of Wayne's World, The Blues.

and difficult man – "Bowen never made an influential friend he couldn’t turn into an avowed adversary" – Bowen amputated his perfectly healthy right leg.

access and possibilities for fun conversation that the company planned to turn into customized, niche specific products.

Furthermore, there was a story where it would turn into a towering giant ōnyūdō.

into Noquochoke Lake, which the East Branch Westport River drains in turn into the Rhode Island Sound.

From its beginnings the club had the aim to turn into a model for Mexican football.

layer of the atmosphere), the area where towering cumulus clouds can turn into cumulonimbus.

Ventricular tachycardia may result in ventricular fibrillation and turn into cardiac arrest.

ligature in its bold weight, where the character sequence “ill” will turn into “://”, purposely intended for using the stylized Mozilla wordmark as “moz://a”.

2008 American horror film about a virus outbreak that causes people to turn into violent zombie-like creatures.


slew; splay; gee; swing about; turn away; flip; about-face; deviate; spiral; curve; pronate; turn on a dime; coil; corner; turn off; tip over; swerve; rotate; roll; turn around; turn out; twist; divert; caracole; bend; spread out; move; veer; trend; circumvolve; corkscrew; sheer; tump over; overturn; face; roll over; gyrate; port; flip over; pivot; cut; toss; turn over; slue; swivel; deflect; avert; swing around;


stand still; deflate; expand; promote; oxidize;

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