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turn of events Meaning in Bengali


ঘটনা মোড়,

turn of events শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বিচারকদ্বয় থেকে ধারাবাহিকভাবে উচ্চ নম্বর পাওয়ার পরেও, অতিশয় বেদনাদায়কভাবে ঘটনা মোড় নেয়, যুগলদ্বয় প্রতিযোগিতার সপ্তম সপ্তাহে এসে বাদ পরে যায়, (৭ম অবস্থানে ।

turn of events's Usage Examples:

In another strange turn of events, possibly in protest of the venue, no teams from Eastern Canada participated.

A eucatastrophe is a sudden turn of events at the end of a story which ensures that the protagonist does not meet some terrible, impending, and very plausible.

In 2011, in perhaps the best possible turn of events for Garrity Creek and the watershed, a group of organic farmers purchased.

and is a high-ranking government official; however, in an unexpected turn of events, he is made to flee for his life.

This startling turn of events causes doubt to their new sense of purpose, and forces them to test.

This turn of events catalyzed an uprising among the local Greeks, which led to the Northern.

Due to her anger at this turn of events, Demeter also was given the epithet, Erinys (raging).

Madras to join film industry like many others who did not the like the turn of events in the communist movement.

Through an unfortunate turn of events, the turbulent times conspire against him.

rivals one by one, or will they fall victim to last year's heartbreaking turn of events? Ticket prices and opponents TBD.

generally favored the episode's character development and its surprise turn of events.

Simpson in his murder trial and in a turn of events similar to an issue in that trial, it was revealed that some USC employees.


slew; splay; gee; swing about; turn away; flip; about-face; deviate; spiral; curve; pronate; turn on a dime; coil; corner; turn off; tip over; swerve; rotate; roll; turn around; turn out; twist; divert; caracole; bend; spread out; move; veer; trend; circumvolve; corkscrew; sheer; tump over; overturn; face; roll over; gyrate; port; flip over; pivot; cut; toss; turn over; slue; swivel; deflect; avert; swing around;


stand still; deflate; expand; promote; oxidize;

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