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unperson Meaning in Bengali

 নগণ্য লোক, ফালতু লোক, গ্রাহ্যের মধ্যে আনা হয় না এমন লোক,

একজন ব্যক্তির অবাস্তব এবং কোন অধিকার না থাকার হিসাবে গণ্য; একজন ব্যক্তির যার অস্তিত্ব ধারাক্রমে উপেক্ষা করা হয় (বিশেষ করে মতাদর্শগত বা রাজনৈতিক কারণে


গ্রাহ্যের মধ্যে আনা হয় না এমন লোক, ফালতু লোক, নগণ্য লোক,

unperson's Usage Examples:

denial of truth (doublethink), and manipulation of the past, including the "unperson"—a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory.

— The Thought Police, the secret police force of Oceania's government unperson — An executed person whose existence is erased from history and memory.

into an unperson.

Moreover, every member of the Inner Party and of the Outer Party who ever knew, was acquainted with, or knew of any unperson must forget.

"The unperson".

Those who fall out of favour with the Party become "unpersons", disappearing with all evidence of their existence destroyed.

being), O'Brien replies "You do not exist" (meaning that Smith is now an unperson; an example of doublethink).

Pierce, with no money or mail, will have to remain, in Pratt's words, an "unperson.

Hate", "Room 101", "memory hole", "Newspeak", "doublethink", "proles", "unperson", and "thoughtcrime".

Judith Todd was ultimately forced into exile and became an "unperson" in Rhodesia when the media was banned from even mentioning her name.

government contacts during World War I, he ultimately "became virtually an unperson" in Lithuanian history despite his efforts to liberate the country.

"The unperson", St.

The Soviets demanded that Sosonko should be treated as an "unperson", excluded from competitive chess, television or any other event that might.

unperson's Meaning':

a person regarded as nonexistent and having no rights; a person whose existence is systematically ignored (especially for ideological or political reasons


someone; person; mortal; soul; nonperson; somebody; individual;


fat person; introvert; good guy; acquaintance; male;

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