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vectoring Meaning in Bengali

vectoring's Usage Examples:

Thrust vectoring, also known as thrust vector control (TVC), is the ability of an aircraft, rocket, or other vehicle to manipulate the direction of the.

Torque vectoring is a technology employed in automobile differentials that has the ability to vary the torque to each half-shaft with an electronic system.

Vplus falls back to VDSL2 17a vectoring performance.

Vplus uses the same tone spacing as VDSL2 17a to allow vectoring across Vplus (35b) and 17a lines.

F-15 STOL/MTD carried out research for studying the effects of thrust vectoring and enhanced maneuverability.

Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association before having its thrust-vectoring nozzles installed.

The F-16 VISTA testbed aircraft incorporated a multi-axis thrust vectoring (MATV) engine nozzle that provides for more active control of the aircraft.

of the wing was used as well as split ailerons and an advanced thrust vectoring nozzle for directional control.

Diverter", issued 1959-03-24  "Picture of Bell X-14 moveable vanes for thrust vectoring".

The vectoring-mode of operation requires a slight modification of the algorithm.

X-31 was an experimental jet fighter designed to test fighter thrust vectoring technology.

compete-on-cost strategy also led Boeing to pick a direct-lift thrust vectoring system, for the Marines' short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) requirement.

twin-engine aircraft with vectoring nozzles that can move in two directions (that is, 3D TVC).

Other existing thrust-vectoring aircraft, like the F-22,.

Attitude control relies purely on 3D thrust vectoring.

produced and used for tests and demonstrations; one example had thrust-vectoring engines and was in turn redesignated the Su-37.

A testbed J-10B powered by a WS-10 with thrust vectoring (TVC) - called "WS-10B-3" by Jamie Hunter - was demonstrated at the 2018.

system from Nissan S-AWC - a torque vectoring all-wheel drive system from Mitsubishi Motors SH-AWD - a torque vectoring all-wheel drive system from Honda.

engine for the YF-22 featured a two-dimensional thrust vectoring nozzle.

The nozzle allowed for vectoring in the pitch direction.

Models with the DPC torque vectoring system also have a planetary gearset to overdrive an axle or rear wheel.

The aircraft features 3-D thrust vectoring capability.

stand-still position as long as possible (this is greatly helped by thrust vectoring on newer fighter aircraft), and as it starts to fall to the ground backward.

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