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versicle Meaning in Bengali

 ক্ষুদ্র পদ্য, প্রার্থনাসভায় একবার যাজক কর্তৃক উচ্চারিত বা গীত সংক্ষিপ্ত প্রার্থনাবাক্য,


ক্ষুদ্র পদ্য,

versicle's Usage Examples:

PREE-seez) (Latin for 'prayers') are short petitions that are said or sung as versicles and responses by the officiant and congregation respectively.

versicles and the following responses are denoted by special glyphs: Versicle: ℣, a letter V crossed by a vertical line — Unicode U+2123 ℣ VERSICLE,.

It is also sung as a versicle at the end of all Offices.

Leonine Prayers consisted of three Ave Marias, a Salve Regina followed by a versicle and response, a prayer for the conversion of sinners and the liberty and.

result of telecommunications input Response (liturgy), a line answering a versicle Response (music) or antiphon, a response to a psalm or other part of a.

The reading is followed by a versicle.

The hour is closed by an oration followed by a concluding versicle.

The devotion is practised by reciting as versicle and response three Biblical verses narrating the mystery, alternating with.

is composed of three nocturns, each consisting of three psalms, a short versicle and response, a silent Pater Noster, and three readings, each followed.

describe visual poetry collages, and has extended the meaning of the word "versicle" to also mean microbooks of poetry, particularly concrete poetry.

thrice-repeated "Hail Mary," each with an introductory versicle based on the Gospel, followed by a concluding versicle and prayer.

invitatory bead is next to the cross, most often corresponding to the opening versicle of Evening Prayer.

of incense and wax candles, the singing of the "Tantum ergo" with its versicle and prayer, and the blessing given with the Blessed Sacrament are obligatory.

capitulum, versicle, and canticle of the "Magnificat".

The hymn is a more recent introduction in the Roman Vespers; the finale (litanies, Pater, versicles, prayers).

Vespers are traditionally framed by the opening versicle and response from Psalm 70, and the closing blessing.

Throughout Advent it occurs daily as the versicle and response after the hymn at Vespers.

choice was fixed, the Deus in adjutorium, a hymn, a lesson (capitulum), a versicle, the Kyrie Eleison, and the customary concluding prayer and dismissal.

Then the actual text of the Martyrology entry is read, ending with the versicle and response taken from Psalm 116: "Pretiosa in conspectu Domini – Mors.


sursum corda; poem; verse form;

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