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very big Meaning in Bengali


very big's Usage Examples:

Although worship and spirit honoring was a very big part in the creation and development of the Igbo calendar system, commerce.

It has a very big multi-apeciality hospital called Aware Global Hospital.

This village is very big in area, occupying 2200 bigha of area.

According to legend, the creature resembles a little red frog-like man with a very big head, a large mouth with no teeth and suckers on the ends of its hands.

toy; or it can be defined as an operating system which doesn't have a very big user base.

Vallter 2000 is a very big attraction for tourists from all Spain.

The stadium is not very big, having a floodlighting system, with a density of 1400 lux, that has been.

It was a very big box office hit.

The old plantain of Sarapardeh is very big and is one of the things that is amazing for every tourist; it has 1500.

Variations include the use of multiple traps, or very big rat traps, for added power.

The series took a very big budget to make.

Prostitution remains a very big problem in Russia.

doesn't make this the best for a solo instrument due to the fact that it is very big and requires much air from the body.

Agriculture plays a very big role in this quarter for the metropolitan area.

The church is very big.

algorithms for different operand sizes; algorithms that are faster for very big numbers are usually slower for small numbers.

Potash and Perlmutter (1913) was a very big hit.


square-shouldered; broad-shouldered; robust;


frail; weak; unhealthy; delicate;

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