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without delay Meaning in Bengali

 অবিলম্বে, অচিরে, অচিরাৎ, অচিরকালে, অগৌণে, অব্যাজে,

without delay শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অচিরে ব্রহিয়ের জালিয়াতির দায়ে গ্রেফতার হন ।

সা ইয়াস্‌লা নারান জাতা লাহাব অর্থ অচিরে সে প্রবেশ করবে লেলিহান অগ্নিতে ।

কারণে ১৯৬৪ সালে তিনি গ্রেপ্তার হন, যদিও তার বিরুদ্ধে কোনো প্রমাণ না থাকায় অচিরে মুক্তি পান ।

তিনি একজন ওয়েলশ যুবকের কাছে বিবাহের প্রতিশ্রুতি পান, কিন্তু তিনি অচিরে মারা যান ।

এনাদের কার্যকলাপের কারণে অচিরে কলকাতায় এই তিনজন হাংরি ত্রিমূর্তি নামে খ্যাত হন ।

ফুলেশ্বরীর জলে৷ এই অবস্থায় নিজের আবেগ ধরে রাখতে পারলেন না চন্দ্রাবতী৷ তিনিও অচিরে প্রেমিকের সাথে পরলোকে চিরমিলনের কামনায় ফুলেশ্বরীর জলে ডুবে প্রাণত্যাগ করেন ।

without delay's Usage Examples:

effective immediately, without delay.

and scholarly journals making all their content available for free, without delay or user-registration requirement, and meeting high quality standards.

terrestrial television networks broadcast without delay in the Eastern and Central time zones (UTC−5 and UTC−6, respectively).

within 2 days, and an emergency surgery is one that must be performed without delay; the patient has no choice other than immediate surgery if permanent.

and without purchase, completely, and without denial, promptly and without delay, conformably to the laws.

including the withdrawal without delay from the Republic of Cyprus of foreign military personnel Urges the parties to resume without delay in an atmosphere of.

parallel with rendering, allowing reprojected frames to be displayed without delay in case a regular frame isn't rendered in time, and is used in all frames.

and waste declarations are all arranged with the port authorities without delay.

seconds, Schabowski replied "As far as I know … effective immediately, without delay.

recommended that an automatic train protection system should be introduced without delay and in the interim a repeater for the signal that had been passed be.

Both parties were urged to resolve their differences without delay with a view to establishing the transitional institutions, and despite.

the control panel indicates to the driver to adjust the train speed without delay.

surgical procedure which, in the surgeon's opinion, should be performed without delay," but is now defined as "when [a] delay in treatment would significantly.

Serbia and Montenegro, and all were urged to conclude the agreements without delay.

by a successful attack; and ensure that air operations can continue without delay in the aftermath of an attack.

Live radio is radio broadcast without delay.

Resolution 707 stated that Iraq must comply with the above provisions without delay, and with those in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty with which it.

the people of California and New Mexico to organize state governments without delay, in order to settle the question of slavery within their borders, and.

The Dominican friars were moved elsewhere without delay or ceremony, and the first stone of the new building was laid on 19.

for mainstream booksellers in the country, had often been delivered without delay or question.


detain; slow; buy time; stonewall; slow down; retard; hold up; catch; decelerate; stall; slow up;


accelerate; rush; increase; enrich; attach;

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