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without differentiation Meaning in Bengali


without differentiation's Usage Examples:

scriptures; of these, sixty-four are purely Abheda (literally "without differentiation", or monistic), known as the Bhairava Tantras or Kashmir Śaivite.

function militarily in the whole Egypt-Israel sector of operations without differentiation regarding the UN status of the various contingents.

Republic should be educated and allowed to work alongside men without differentiation, Aristotle appears to have disagreed.

competing species must differ in their respective ecological niche; without differentiation, one species will eliminate or exclude the other through competition.

The count palatine shall judge without differentiation all the men of our realm, but cases concerning nobles condemned.

originally empty and quiescent, non-arising, non-perishing, equal, without differentiation.

The digraph ႭჃ 〈oü〉 thus represents both w and u, without differentiation in the spelling, for example ႵႭჃႧႨ 〈khoüti〉 khuti "five" vs.

element") in the Kabbalah, in which "everything is united as one, without differentiation".

Products or services without differentiation risk the consumer seeing them as commodities and fungible, thus.

Ruanda-Urundi (today, Rwanda and Burundi) in the Belgian Congo section, without differentiation.

rulers are each referred to in the New Testament of the Bible, without differentiation between them.

another, often killing both Japanese and civilians trapped inside, without differentiation.

proliferation and migration of endogenous adult neural progenitor cells without differentiation into dopaminergic neurons".

Torah (similar to "sod" in the acronym), or to all Torah study (without differentiation into different types of study).

alternating trimerous whorls of tepals, being homochlamydeous, without differentiation between calyx and corolla.

performance in games within the league and also in Interleague games without differentiation.

Until around 1800, welted rand shoes were commonly made without differentiation for the left or right foot.

A 2018 study placed 10-year survival rates at 88%, without differentiation based on subtype.

All athletes entered from four gates without differentiation of nationality.

Otherwise, "it scrambled together without differentiation words from the earliest texts of Chinese literature with contemporary.


secernment; contradistinction; contrast; distinction; line; hairsplitting; demarcation; word-splitting; discrimination; dividing line;


natural object; straight line; curve; uncover; noncompliance;

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