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wresting Meaning in Bengali

 ছিনান, পরিশ্রম করিয়া পাত্তয়া,


পরিশ্রম করিয়া পাত্তয়া, ছিনান,

wresting শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ক্রীড়াবিদ ইভেন্ট ছিনান পরিষ্কার ও হেঁচকা মোট মান ফলে মান ফলে মান জেরেমি লালরিন্নুংগা ছেলেদের ৬২ কেজি 124 1 150 1 274 স্নেহা সরেন মেয়েদের ৪৮ কেজি 67 ।

wresting's Usage Examples:

Indiranagar and more specifically Hundred Feet Road is slowly wresting this importance away.

dynasty, is said to have established the authority over Karnataka after wresting power from the Chalukya king Taila III.

was used to help prop up their win-loss percentage and as a chance of wresting the 1925 Championship away from the first place Pottsville Maroons.

He succeeded in dealing this coalition severe blows, wresting Boeotia from their alliance.

In magnetic gait, each step is initiated in a "wresting" motion carrying feet upward and forward.

was used to help prop up their win–loss percentage and as a chance of wresting the 1925 championship away from the first place Pottsville Maroons.

would be "justified in wresting" the island from Spanish hands if Spain refused to sell.

formed the Official Opposition in the House of Commons of Canada), after wresting his party's nomination from Conservative incumbent Harry Gladstone Clarke.

Kenshin succeeded in wresting control of the clan from Harukage in 1548.

"How wresting matches with a prisoner of war made Justin Tipuric".

He was involved in a number of voyages that dealt with the wresting of control of forts in the James Bay and Hudson Bay area from the French.




give; unclasp;

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