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yellowhammer Meaning in Bengali

 হলুদবর্ণ পক্ষিবিশেষ,


হলুদবর্ণ পক্ষিবিশেষ,

yellowhammer's Usage Examples:

The yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) is a passerine bird in the bunting family that is native to Eurasia and has been introduced to New Zealand and Australia.

plumage is like that of a yellowhammer, but with all the yellow replaced by white.

Its song and calls are like those of the yellowhammer.

the northern flicker are known, including yellowhammer (not to be confused with the Eurasian yellowhammer), clape, gaffer woodpecker, harry-wicket[citation.

Birds include yellowhammer, grey partridge and red kite.

Tengmalm's owl, great tit, purple sandpiper, shore lark, great grey shrike, yellowhammer and others.

are birds such as fieldfare, redwaing, wheatear, lesser whitethroat, yellowhammer and linnet.

which provide nesting sites for lesser whitethroat, willow warbler, yellowhammer and bullfinch.

There are birds such as willow warbler, yellowhammer, linnet and lesser whitethroat.

brook is lined by sedges and water-cress, while breeding birds include yellowhammer and spotted flycatcher.

There are birds such as grass vetchling and bee orchid, birds including yellowhammer and whitethroat, and many butterflies.

has woods, fields and hedges, and birds include bullfinch, linnet and yellowhammer.

The type species was subsequently designated as the yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella).

Birds include the endangered skylark and yellowhammer and there butterflies such as marbled whites and small skippers.

vegetation is chalk scrub, and there are many species of birds, including yellowhammer, spotted flycatcher, blue tit and tawny owl.

The yellowhammer is Emberiza citrinella, a species of Old World passerine bird.

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