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yellowhammers Meaning in Bengali


হলুদবর্ণ পক্ষিবিশেষ,

yellowhammers's Usage Examples:

There are birds such as turtle doves, yellowhammers and reed buntings.

Fauna include otters, brown hares, muntjac deer, skylarks, lapwings, yellowhammers and meadow pipits.

the site include curlews, lapwings, long-tailed tits, bullfinches, yellowhammers and wrens.

It has a diverse bird life, such as yellowhammers, whitethroats, song thrushes and short-eared owls.

Their seeds attract flocks of finches and yellowhammers to the location as a feeding site in winter.

Birds include yellowhammers, lesser whitethroats, dunnocks and song thrushes.

Birds include yellowhammers and linnets.

large nature reserve, which has many bird species, such as barn owls, yellowhammers, linnets, reed buntings and skylarks.

Male yellowhammers with high levels of this parasite produced fewer offspring (there was.

Dartford warblers, stonechats and yellowhammers breed on the gorse-covered hillsides.

Scrubland is another habitat on the site and this is where yellowhammers, goldfinches, whitethroat and linnets breed, as well as grey partridges.

spotted woodpeckers are frequently seen, and rarer sightings include yellowhammers, chiffchaffs and tree pipits.

The reserve is an important wildlife site - owls, yellowhammers, whitethroats, turtle dove, song thrush, nightingales and bullfinches.

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