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zoonosis Meaning in Bengali

একটি প্রাণী রোগ যে মানুষের পরিবাহিত হতে পারে

zoonosis's Usage Examples:

A zoonosis (plural zoonoses, or zoonotic diseases) is an infectious disease caused by a pathogen (an infectious agent, such as a bacterium, virus, parasite.

Reverse zoonosis, also known as zooanthroponosis, and sometimes anthroponosis (Greek zooncode: ell promoted to code: el "animal", anthroposcode: ell promoted.

A feline zoonosis is a viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoan, nematode or arthropod infection that can be transmitted to humans from the domesticated cat.

A zoonosis may be defined as any disease and/or infection which is naturally transmissible.

The disease is a zoonosis, an animal disease, usually found in rodents and ticks, with spillover.

zoologist, consultant and public expert on disease ecology, in particular on zoonosis.

Transmission routes are zoonosis and fomite.

technical lead of COVID-19 response and the head of emerging diseases and zoonosis unit at WHO.

are a concern from a public health standpoint because they are a Feline zoonosis and transmittable to human.

Viral emergence in humans is often a consequence of zoonosis, which involves a cross-species jump of a viral disease into humans from.

Brucella suis is a bacterium that causes swine brucellosis, a zoonosis that affects pigs.

the causative agent is Pasteurella multocida, it is considered to be a zoonosis.

other major events such as their first intergenerational cases, cases of zoonosis, and the start of national vaccination campaigns), and relevant sessions.

insectivores and three artiodactyls and therefore it can be considered a true zoonosis.

also be transmitted as intestinal spirochetosis in humans, as it is a zoonosis.

Transmission routes are zoonosis and contact.

Echinococcosis is a zoonosis.

are the cause of brucellosis, which is a zoonosis transmitted by ingesting contaminated food (such as unpasteurized milk.

zoonosis's Meaning':

an animal disease that can be transmitted to humans


zoonotic disease; splenic fever; rabbit fever; deer fly fever; Lyme disease; rabies; Bang's disease; Lyme arthritis; yatobyo; contagious abortion; tularaemia; lyssa; glanders; brucellosis; madness; animal disease; anthrax; leptospirosis; tularemia; actinomycosis; swamp fever; hydrophobia;


intelligence; sanity;

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