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আবর্জন Meaning in English

/Noun/ Total abandonment ; giving away ; throwing away.

আবর্জন এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(1) act of giving/throwing away; total abandonment.

(2) act of bending down/controlling/ regulating.

আবর্জিত (adjective).

আবর্জন এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

sanctification: Consecration necessary for entire sanctification, is the total abandonment of the redeemed soul to the whole will of God (Romans 12:1; 6:11,.

wide-scale use of silver coinage in the Byzantine Empire, and presaged the total abandonment of the gold coins around the middle of the century.

A report from 1889 pointed out that, despite the near total abandonment of the fort, the activities of fishermen in the waters of the enclave.

cases, a large amount of inconsistent data over time may lead to total abandonment of a model.

boundaries of convention, such as with sex and drugs, he was disturbed by "total abandonment to hedonism.

doubling at the beginning of the word (after vowels) and the almost total abandonment of the preterite tense in verb forms as it is not present in the majority.

Reasons for the near total abandonment of the village include problems with education and food delivery.

deepened her search for perfection through silence, self-denial and total abandonment to God's will through an experience of contemplative life in the Monastery.

successor American Airlines began downsizing in preparation for a total abandonment effective September 2010, three companies moved their headquarters.

on July 26, Talvi resigned his seat in the Senate, announcing his total abandonment of political activity.

freelance film directors rather than NFB staff members; the almost-total abandonment of drama film production, and an overall loss of 180 staff positions.

1942, the nearby Patton and Jamison mines in the 1950s, and the near total abandonment of mining of 'high sulfur' coal in the area since the 1980s, Slickville.

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