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aecia Meaning in Bengali

জন্মদান aeciospores শৃঙ্খল কিছু জং ছত্রাক ফল শরীর

aecia's Usage Examples:

aecium (plural aecia) is a specialised reproductive structure found in some plant pathogenic rust fungi that produce aeciospores.

The corresponding stage on the pear trees is known as aecia.

The telia and aecia release wind borne resting or hibernating spores (called teliospores.

, spermogonia, aecia, uredinia, telia, and basidia in successive stages of reproduction.

On the lower leaf surface, 20-30 cup-shaped aecia of the fungus form on each gall.

The aecial host is the alternate host (look for pycnia and aecia).

subsequently form aecia.

Spores produced in the aecia, referred to as.

On the underside it produces raised orange aecia commonly covered in spores.

It is a microcyclic species lacking aecia and uredinia.

fungi that are descendants of macrocyclic, heteroecious rusts simulate aecia of the ancestral macrocyclic rust and occur on the aecial host of the latter.

On Picea, spermogonia and aecia occur on distinct rusty yellow bands on current-year needles.

In midsummer, aecia appear on the epidermis of spruce needles as orange pustules.

Eventually, these aecia rupture and release millions.

as Wisconsin, Washington, and California, in the United States, but the aecia are so far known only from artificial inoculation of white spruce (Crane.

It is a rust that infects Mercurialis annua, causing galls, pycnia, and aecia over leaves and stem in winter, seen as a golden yellow swelling over several.

lesions will then produce small tubes (aecia).

The aecia are approximately ⅛ inch long.

established and a second spore stage is formed, numbered "I" and called aecia, which form dikaryotic aeciospores in dry chains in inverted cup-shaped.

The aecia (specialized reproductive structures) are cup-shaped and have a conspicuous peridium.

The spores produced by the aecia (aeciospores).

hyphae and the pycniospore grows through the cotton leaf to produce aecia.

moved to the Naohidemyces genus due to its dome-shaped covering over the aecia.

The lesions turn orange in color and are now called aecia.

aecia's Meaning':

fruiting body of some rust fungi bearing chains of aeciospores


rust fungus; fruiting body; rust;



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