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aeciospores Meaning in Bengali

একটি মরিচা ছত্রাক একটি aecium সালে গঠিত বীজগুটি

aeciospores's Usage Examples:

Spores (called aeciospores) are produced from the fungal lantern-shaped growths which protrude from.

reproductive structure found in some plant pathogenic rust fungi that produce aeciospores.

release millions of microscopic, orange aeciospores, which are carried to bearberry by wind.

These aeciospores are capable of infecting bearberry leaves;.

Basidiospores produce aeciospores.

The heaviest production of aeciospores occurs during.

These aeciospores must then infect a juniper to complete the life cycle.

In July and August, spores from the apple leaves (aeciospores) are produced.

autoecious fungus, meaning that all stages of its life cycle – pycniospores, aeciospores, and teliospores – all develop upon the same host plant .

Diseased cones open prematurely and orange-yellow aeciospores are sometimes produced in such quantity as to color the forest floor.

Spores produced in the aecia, referred to as aeciospores, are responsible for infecting P.

aecia, which form dikaryotic aeciospores in dry chains in inverted cup-shaped bodies embedded in host tissue.

These aeciospores then infect the second host.

They infect Oxalis and produce sexual spores (pycniospores) and aeciospores.

yellow-orange aeciospores are dispersed and carried to new hosts by wind.

harknessii does not require an alternate host, the aeciospores can infect.

basidiospores of the basidia stage to barberry, he also identified that the aeciospores in the aecia stage reinfect the wheat host.

spots will then transform into larger, orange/red pustules which release aeciospores.

aeciospores and spread the disease throughout the plant by wind.

The aeciospores are.

the basidiospores germinate, aecia are produced which create aeciospores.

The aeciospores are released into the air by the combination of wind and low.

polycyclic pathogen, Stage I consists of aeciospores inoculating young leaf/shoot/fruit/flower bud.

Once infected, aeciospores germinate and penetrate the host.

aeciospores's Meaning':

spore of a rust fungus formed in an aecium


rust fungus; spore; rust;



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