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affixing Meaning in Bengali

 জুড়া, আঁটিয়া দেত্তয়া, লাগাইয়া দেত্তয়া, মুদ্রি করা, জুড়িয়া দেত্তয়া, মারা, সংযোজন করা, উপযোজনা করা,


উপযোজনা, বৃদ্ধি, উপাঙ্গ, বাড়তি, বর্ধন,


উপযোজনা করা, সংযোজন করা, মারা, জুড়িয়া দেত্তয়া, আঁটিয়া দেত্তয়া, মুদ্রি করা, লাগাইয়া দেত্তয়া, জুড়া,

affixing's Usage Examples:

The practice of affixing honorific titles to the names of jazz musicians goes back to New Orleans.

pound up to ten pounds The value of a postal order may be increased by affixing postage stamps not exceeding two in number and not exceeding a total of.

When affixing several mezuzot, it is sufficient to recite the blessing once, before affixing the first one.

The royal sign-manual is the signature of the sovereign, by the affixing of which the monarch expresses his or her pleasure either by order, commission.

Albums in the 1980s, before returning to the R'B identification in 1990 and affixing a hip hop designation in 1999 to reflect the latter's growing sales and.

Tolkien coined the word by affixing the Greek prefix eu, meaning good, to catastrophe, the word traditionally.

than air (helium), without affixing an object of sufficient weight to the balloon to counter the lift capability, affixing a specified warning statement.

adhesive, or "gum") originally consisting of mastix, used primarily for affixing costume prosthetics such as wigs, merkins, or false facial hair.

palatalized and are transcribed in the International Phonetic Alphabet by affixing the letter ⟨ʲ⟩ to the base consonant.

a clerk of the court of Chancery whose duty consisted in affixing seals to royal signature.

After affixing the label, customers may ship a package by depositing it in a USPS collection.

Nouns and verbs are often heavily affixed (mostly prefixed) in Ventureño, affixing being a way to denote those meanings often conveyed by separate words in.

from city to city, and are usually made locally by building a sidecar and affixing it to an imported motorcycle.

Many legal instruments were written under seal by affixing a wax or paper seal to the document in evidence of its legal execution.

the secret in it and it is transported to Bob, who sends it back after affixing his own lock.

It is a tripartite, primarily affixing agglutinative language.

Presentations usually consist of affixing the research poster to a portable board with the researcher in attendance.

On vehicles, this certification is made by dint of the manufacturer affixing a "compliance plate" stating the vehicle's specifications and parameters.


adhere; attach; stamp; stick; stick on; hold fast; bind; stick to; bond; seal; plaster; post;


unbind; untie; unstrap; unlash; detach;

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