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antinode Meaning in Bengali

 নিস্পন্দ বিন্দু,



নিস্পন্দ বিন্দু,

antinode শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

নিস্পন্দ বিন্দু হলো কোনো স্থির তরঙ্গ বরাবর একটি বিন্দু যেখানে তরঙ্গের বিস্তার সর্বনিম্ন থাকে ।

প্রাথমিক কোয়ান্টাম সংখ্যা নির্বিশেষে) নিউক্লিয়াসের সাথে একটি সম্ভাব্য নিস্পন্দ বিন্দু রয়েছে এবং এই কারণে পি বা ডি শক্তিস্তরের ইলেকট্রনের তুলনায় এরা অধিক ।

অবস্থানে তরঙ্গের বিস্তারের পরম মান ন্যূনতম বা সর্বনিম্ন হয়, সেগুলিকে নিস্পন্দ বিন্দু বা গ্রন্থি বলে ।

স্থির জলতরঙ্গগুলি অনুভূমিকভাবে ভ্রমণ করে না, বরং একই জায়গায় থেকে নিস্পন্দ বিন্দু ও প্রতিনিস্পন্দ বিন্দুসমূহের একটি স্থিতিশীল বিন্যাস প্রদর্শন করে ।

antinode's Usage Examples:

In transmission lines a voltage node is a current antinode, and a voltage antinode is a current node.

In organ pipes, a displacement antinode is not formed exactly at the open end.

Rather, the antinode is formed a little distance Δ L {\displaystyle.

molecules can move freely, producing a displacement antinode.

Displacement nodes are pressure antinodes and vice versa.

The antinode.

is defined as the ratio of the partial standing wave's amplitude at an antinode (maximum) to the amplitude at a node (minimum) along the line.

This haplotype is found in Korea but not Japan, in fact Japan is an antinode of DR7.

chamber acts as a pressure antinode which is compressed by the returning wave.

The intake pipe acts as a kinematic antinode which sucks and exhausts gas.

membrane vibrates most strongly, corresponding to the antinode in all s orbitals in an atom.

This antinode means the electron is most likely to be at the physical.

minimize energy loss to the surroundings, the transducer is held at an antinode (no displacement).

locations where the absolute value of the amplitude is maximum are called antinodes.

The density of the liquid at a node is more than the density at an antinode.

standing waves, the ferrite sheath current filter must be placed at a current antinode, but not at standing wave nodes.

orbitals (regardless of shell or primary quantum number), have a probability antinode at the nucleus, and are thus far more subject to electron capture than.

The nodes and antinodes of these standing waves result in the loudness of the particular resonant.

The standing acoustic wave, which contains pressure antinodes at the center of the containment vessel, causes the bubbles to quickly.

meridian from Western Africa to the United Kingdom, the exception, an antinode, in Western France, indicating a displacement in those regions or the core.

oscillations with four antinodes and four nodes located circumferentially along the rim.

The angle between two adjacent antinode – nodes is 45 degrees.

However, the node and the antinode collide in the same spot and cancel out the fundamental.

It is lowest for feedpoints located at a point of maximum current (an antinode), and highest for feedpoints located at a point of minimum current, a node.

half-wavelength high (180 electrical degrees) the antenna has a voltage maximum (antinode) near its base, which results in strong electric fields in the earth above.

antinode's Meaning':





node; end;

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