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antinodes Meaning in Bengali



নিস্পন্দ বিন্দু,

antinodes শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

নিস্পন্দ বিন্দু হলো কোনো স্থির তরঙ্গ বরাবর একটি বিন্দু যেখানে তরঙ্গের বিস্তার সর্বনিম্ন থাকে ।

প্রাথমিক কোয়ান্টাম সংখ্যা নির্বিশেষে) নিউক্লিয়াসের সাথে একটি সম্ভাব্য নিস্পন্দ বিন্দু রয়েছে এবং এই কারণে পি বা ডি শক্তিস্তরের ইলেকট্রনের তুলনায় এরা অধিক ।

অবস্থানে তরঙ্গের বিস্তারের পরম মান ন্যূনতম বা সর্বনিম্ন হয়, সেগুলিকে নিস্পন্দ বিন্দু বা গ্রন্থি বলে ।

স্থির জলতরঙ্গগুলি অনুভূমিকভাবে ভ্রমণ করে না, বরং একই জায়গায় থেকে নিস্পন্দ বিন্দু ও প্রতিনিস্পন্দ বিন্দুসমূহের একটি স্থিতিশীল বিন্যাস প্রদর্শন করে ।

antinodes's Usage Examples:

of these quantum waves have nodes and antinodes as well.

The number and position of these nodes and antinodes give rise to many of the properties of.

wave does not travel horizontally, but has a fixed pattern of nodes and antinodes.

locations where the absolute value of the amplitude is maximum are called antinodes.

located at multiples of half a wavelength from the end, with maxima called antinodes located midway between the nodes.

pressure nodes, and the lowest flames occurring at pressure antinodes.

The pressure antinodes correspond to the locations with the highest amount of compression.

Displacement nodes are pressure antinodes and vice versa.

points at which the which the two waves amplify each other are known as antinodes and the points at which the two waves cancel each other out are known.

In acoustic standing waves, small bubbles accumulate at pressure antinodes, whereas large bubble accumulate at pressure nodes.

However, it appears that these holes were usually placed at antinodes, and thus designed to prevent the note from sounding, rather than allowing.

either acoustic pressure nodes (minimum pressure regions) or pressure antinodes (maximum pressure regions).

The less dense antinodes refract light less and are analogous to the transmitting slits of a conventional.

and output and represents a resonator with E {\displaystyle E} -field antinodes at its ends.

the exhaust, are sonically tuned so that the locations of the pressure antinodes of the Mach disks in the propane stream match the locations of the intake.

normal by eliminating some lower partials by damping the resonator at the antinodes of vibration of those partials (such as placing a finger lightly on a.

The nodes and antinodes of these standing waves result in the loudness of the particular resonant.

interference to create three-dimensional on-chip optical traps at the antinodes of the standing waves of an evanescent field.

Standing waves are elliptically-shaped oscillations with four antinodes and four nodes located circumferentially along the rim.

emulsion, creating standing waves whose nodes had little effect while their antinodes created a latent image.

Forming standing waves on a string, changing the number of nodes and antinodes at constant frequency and length by changing the tension.

a convenient way to visually demonstrate the meaning of modes, nodes, antinodes and even quantum numbers.

antinodes's Meaning':





node; end;

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