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be inverted Meaning in Bengali

 উলটাইয়া পড়া, চিৎ হয়ে পড়া,

be inverted's Usage Examples:

Pyramids of energy are normally upright, but other pyramids can be inverted or take other shapes.

which fit into each other so that the whole vessel with its contents can be inverted during cooking.

The pilot will be inverted (upside down) at the top of the loop.

response that identifies a card that need not be inverted, or that fails to identify a card that needs to be inverted, is incorrect.

coaster manufactured by Intamin and the first of its kind in the world to be inverted.

can be assigned to any of the VCO, VCF and VCA modules and can also be inverted.

for three and two tables, upholstered on the underside, and able to be inverted to provide another two seats if required.

The lightsheet construction can be inverted to construct holographic screens for arbitrary spacetimes.

In this concept, chords can be inverted while still retaining their root.

therefore the moment matrix X T X {\displaystyle X^{\mathsf {T}}X} cannot be inverted.

be made up of seven different notes of the diatonic scale, and then be inverted, retrograded, or both.

The ratio can be inverted and is referred to as the reserves to imports ratio.

In order to achieve a desired reflectance, these equations have to be inverted to produce the actual dot areas or digital values sent to the printer.

mappings between these various symbols are both 1-to-1 and onto, and so can be inverted: the quarter periods, the half-periods and the half-period ratio can.

ratio of extraterrestrial irradiance and the upwelling radiance can be inverted to provide information about the amounts and distribution of important.

intervening DNA between two loxP sites that are opposingly orientated will be inverted.

used little in tonal theory, though it is assumed that sets that can be inverted into each other are remotely in common.


upside-down; turned;


unturned; right-side-out; right-side-up;

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