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be melancholy Meaning in Bengali

 নিরাশ হত্তয়া, হতাশ হত্তয়া, ভগ্নহৃদয় হত্তয়া, মনমরা হত্তয়া, দু:খিত হত্তয়া, বিষণ্ণ হত্তয়া,

be melancholy's Usage Examples:

he had a penchant for alcohol, but unlike them, he had a tendency to be melancholy.

" It is a feature that has a decided inclination to be melancholy and to emphasize this mood there is a wealth of tearful close-ups.

discussing the album Newton remarked: We didn't want the Christmas album to be melancholy, but we didn't want it to be all traditional either.

Lyrics tend to be melancholy or about weather.

It is almost comic to set aside a quarter of one's garden to be melancholy in.

pessimistic trait passed onto her daughter Amalia as well, causing her to be melancholy and withdrawn her whole life.

Cristall's longer narrative poems and her verse pastoral sketches tend to be melancholy and inclined towards the uncanny or even horrific.

Its voice may be melancholy, but it is not always so; for the chair may have been left by a laughing.

The conclusion will be melancholy.

Ralph says in his preface: "If there is any boy or man who loves to be melancholy and morose, and who cannot enter with kindly sympathy into the regions.

fare, my boys On the cold, cold ground Why, soldiers, why Should we be melancholy, boys Why, soldiers, why Whose business ’tis to die What sighing fie.

Oderin and Presque, Crabbes Hole and Brule Now let ye be jolly, don't be melancholy I can't marry all or in chokey I'd be.

I have practiced Shaolinquan and I tend to be melancholy.

first one to stop him gets this gold doubloon/Now excuse me while I go be melancholy in my room!” Rosenthal, Elizabeth J.


gloom; brooding; Weltschmerz; gloominess; world-weariness; heavyheartedness; unhappiness; sadness; pensiveness; somberness; sombreness;


happiness; good; joyful; highland; natural elevation;

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