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be killed Meaning in Bengali

 খতম হত্তয়া,

be killed's Usage Examples:

the General Government (the occupied part of Poland), where they would be killed.

were the first RUC officers to be killed by republicans during the Troubles and the first security forces to be killed in South Armagh, an IRA stronghold.

Hiranyakashipu gains special powers by which he could not be killed during the day or night, inside or outside the house, any place in the.

A little over a year later, the Comet was the first superhero to be killed in the line of duty.

water bulls and ordinary cows ought to be killed at birth by any method other than drowning – they cannot be killed by drowning – to avoid bringing disaster.

can choose to incarnate fully in Men's bodies on Middle-earth, they can be killed; Tolkien did not explain what happened to them then.

Bian Zhang was forced to participate in the rebellion or else he would be killed.

In the game, players encounter human and mutant enemies, who can be killed with a variety of firearms.

that the participants as well as the boy who filmed the video should be killed.

Up to 40 million female ducks per year may be killed in this way.

spent two years seeking his freedom (freedom was usually bought), only to be killed in an Indian attack in 1712, a couple years after his return.

and had been cursed by Kubera to live as a fearsome monster until he be killed by Rama.

Miracle Man becomes one of the many minor Marvel Comics supervillains to be killed by the Scourge of the Underworld, but is resurrected much later by the.

aphids can be killed by 0.

3 grams of a 10% solution of the chemical in methyl chloride in 1000 cubic feet, and 100% of aphids can be killed by twice the.

highest for black men, as approximately 1 in 1,000 black men are shown to be killed by police.


act; stagnate; account; buy; hang around; mope; need; confound; kill; put out; feel; loiter; relate; suck; hum; befuddle; hail; compare; yawn; hang; stay; adorn; specify; incline; be well; curve; come in for; incarnate; bedevil; translate; turn out; number; cover; work; iridesce; hurt; add up; swim; body forth; run; suit; hoodoo; cut across; consist; footle; seethe; cut; deck; suffer; sparkle; lallygag; cohere; owe; balance; represent; seem; distribute; trim; measure; substantiate; bake; moon about; take; point; disaccord; delimit; define; litter; shine; remain; fox; range; lollygag; squat; moon around; grace; twist; beautify; make sense; coruscate; tarry; stand; loaf; accept; terminate; scintillate; retard; gravitate; end; tend; wash; jumble; beat; come in handy; lend; stand by; yaw; abound; stick; fuddle; draw; continue; rut; figure; look; transplant; mess about; promise; rage; encounter; decorate; embellish; broil; buzz; drown; delineate; contain; gape; make; connect; discord; lurk; hold; mill around; compact; delimitate; stay on; boil; amount; press; matter; lubricate; depend; deserve; osculate; lie; object; rate; pack; lean; throw; confuse; be given; pay; head up; wind; sell; cost; lounge; require; recognize; enter; comprise; merit; subtend; swing; test; come; embody; go; fall; fit; rest; stink; impend; total; start; breathe; rank; prove; count; weigh; disagree; run into; underlie; let go; appear; stick by; clean; interrelate; begin; answer; account for; belong; linger; head; mingle; discombobulate; mill about; adhere; want; turn up; diverge;


change; be well; agree; suffer; converge;

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