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be off Meaning in Bengali

 সম্পর্ক ছিন্ন হওয়া, সম্পর্কচ্ছেদ ঘটা, স্বচ্ছন্দ হত্তয়া,

be off's Usage Examples:

Such trading may be off exchange or over-the-counter.

For example, the squares on plastic boards may be off-white ("buff") and green, while those on wood boards are often light brown.

Special Temporary Authority from the Federal Communications Commission to be off the air, due to loss of transmission site.

Since the Earth is an oblate spheroid, not spherical, that result can be off by several tenths of a percent; a better approximation of a longitudinal.

bring spouses, family, and friends, although female and minor guests must be off the property by 9 or 10 pm.

second stage after separation, causing the upper stage firing angle to be off.

subsidiaries (because they are not wholly owned by the parent) may also be off-balance sheet.

Furthermore, Mag Mell, like the numerous other mystical islands said to be off the coast of Ireland, was never explicitly stated in any surviving mythological.

important in autumn and winter, when these stations might otherwise need to be off the air during the important morning and afternoon drive times, when AM.

WJTP is a daytimer and must be off the air at night when radio waves travel farther.

2011, the Canadian Wildlife Service announced the bay's beaches would be off limits.

"Islamabad Railway Station may be off-track soon - The Express Tribune".

television station is considered to have gone dark or silent if it is to be off the air for 30 days or longer.

incident, Dingell called for a return to civility, saying, "some things should be off limits.

in aircraft, an accurate "hack watch") is in error, the position will be off by approximately one nautical mile.

compound occurs as a white odorless solid, although commercial samples can be off-white and possess a slightly phenolic odor.

All of the stations were supposed to be off the air by July 12, 2009, and David Fiske of the FCC said no investigation.


away; forth;


charge; ionate; calcify;

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