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be opened Meaning in Bengali

 প্রকাশ পাত্তয়া,

be opened's Usage Examples:

natural systems would be opened 1NT or would be opened in a suit at one level with the plan to rebid 1NT or 2NT, must be opened with 1♣.

30: A Nickelodeon time capsule, sealed in April 1992, is scheduled to be opened.

On 16 December 1999 Anacom announced that the market would be opened to competitors on 1 January 2000.

project has passed the original deadline of October 2020 and is yet to be opened, although the preparations for the operation of the hospital has been.

According to UPEIDA, it is expected to be opened to public by July 2021.

Maybury, was created on December 31, 1900, and scheduled to be opened 100 years later.

a proposed station in Cardiff on the Butetown branch line which would be opened by December 2023 and is included within the Wales ' Borders franchise.

equal for all children; Higher education and technical training shall be opened to all by means of state allowances and scholarships awarded on the basis.

permutation or password), or by a combination thereof or only being able to be opened from one side such as a door chain.

A vehicle door can be opened to provide access to the opening, or closed to secure it.

These doors can be opened manually, or powered electronically.

Many glazed windows may be opened, to allow ventilation, or closed, to exclude inclement weather.

This can be achieved in several ways—seacocks or hatches can be opened to the sea, or holes may be ripped into the hull with brute force or with.

governor Kulongoski's "park-a-year" plan, in which one new state park is to be opened every year.

vests, uniforms and secret documents can be found in chests, which must be opened using keys the player finds.

It will be opened in 2021.

The stadium is expected to be opened on July 3, 2021.

It will be opened in 2022.

The bottle can be opened and resealed repeatedly and without the use of a bottle opener, with the.

usually a sealable glass container containing soil and plants, and can be opened for maintenance to access the plants inside.


agape; staring; gaping; wide; open; yawning; wide-eyed; agaze;


closed; mitigated; narrow; thin; noncomprehensive;

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