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be taken in Meaning in Bengali


be taken in শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ইসরায়েলের নাগরিকদের জন্য ভিসার প্রয়োজনীয়তা   ইসরায়েল   ভিসা লাগবেনা   যাওয়ার পর ভিসা   ই-ভিসা   যাওয়ার পর ভিসা এবং অনলাইনে   ভিসা দরকার   ঢুকা যাবেনা ।

be taken in's Usage Examples:

A tutorial can be taken in many forms, ranging from a set of instructions to complete a task to.

region to be taken in one draft, but also was the highest representation of a country in one draft until 2016 when five Frenchmen would be taken in the draft.

be taken in any field K.

The values of the variables may be taken in any.

Decisions about distribution need to be taken in line with a company's overall strategic vision and mission.

Care should be taken in patients with asthma; metoprolol should only be used in these patients.

It can cause ulceration of esophagus, so it should be taken in orthostatic position with sufficient amounts of liquids.

selected into the NBA (Jakob Pöltl), the first high school prospect to be taken in the first round since the 2015 NBA draft (Thon Maker), the first Ghanaian.

of one (often referred to as a 'cutter' rig), so one of the jibs can be taken in.

When used by mouth, greater care should be taken in those with liver problems.

hoisted with one or two halyards, and the ease with which reefs can be taken in.

Care should be taken in those with either kidney or liver problems.

or pure decoration under the shield, and, conversely, care must also be taken in very unusual cases such as the coat of arms of Belize, in which what.

Island, Nova Scotia, and is named after the number of points which can be taken in a hand.

(where the fore stay goes 3/4 the way up the mast), is that the jib can be taken in without inducing excessive weather helm which could cause the boat to.

Mucha was the first Washington Husky in school history to be taken in the first round of the NFL draft.

appearances, intelligence and relatable personalities, but some pets may be taken in on an altruistic basis (such as a stray animal) and accepted by the owner.

cannot be produced from other compounds by the human body and so must be taken in as food.

understood, and accepted 3xx redirection – further action needs to be taken in order to complete the request 4xx client error – the request contains.

Blood calcium levels should be measured when used and extra care should be taken in those with a history of kidney stones.


act; stagnate; account; buy; hang around; mope; need; confound; kill; put out; feel; loiter; relate; suck; hum; befuddle; hail; compare; yawn; hang; stay; adorn; specify; incline; be well; curve; come in for; incarnate; bedevil; translate; turn out; number; cover; work; iridesce; hurt; add up; swim; body forth; run; suit; hoodoo; cut across; consist; footle; seethe; cut; deck; suffer; sparkle; lallygag; cohere; owe; balance; represent; seem; distribute; trim; measure; substantiate; bake; moon about; take; point; disaccord; delimit; define; litter; shine; remain; fox; range; lollygag; squat; moon around; grace; twist; beautify; make sense; coruscate; tarry; stand; loaf; accept; terminate; scintillate; retard; gravitate; end; tend; wash; jumble; beat; come in handy; lend; stand by; yaw; abound; stick; fuddle; draw; continue; rut; figure; look; transplant; mess about; promise; rage; encounter; decorate; embellish; broil; buzz; drown; delineate; contain; gape; make; connect; discord; lurk; hold; mill around; compact; delimitate; stay on; boil; amount; press; matter; lubricate; depend; deserve; osculate; lie; object; rate; pack; lean; throw; confuse; be given; pay; head up; wind; sell; cost; lounge; require; recognize; enter; comprise; merit; subtend; swing; test; come; embody; go; fall; fit; rest; stink; impend; total; start; breathe; rank; prove; count; weigh; disagree; run into; underlie; let go; appear; stick by; clean; interrelate; begin; answer; account for; belong; linger; head; mingle; discombobulate; mill about; adhere; want; turn up; diverge;


change; be well; agree; suffer; converge;

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