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be terminated Meaning in Bengali

 খতম হত্তয়া,

be terminated's Usage Examples:

This moulding can be terminated at the side by ornamentation called a label stop.

A tenured post is an indefinite academic appointment that can be terminated only for cause or under extraordinary circumstances, such as financial.

However, in December 2020, it was announced that it will be terminated on 31 March 2026 as part of the abolition of the franchise system.

Under normal circumstances, CSRSS cannot be terminated with the taskkill command or with Windows Task Manager, although it.

headquarters where the show recorded to remove personal effects would be terminated on December 8.

Council decided that the arms embargo against the former Yugoslavia would be terminated beginning from the day the Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali notified.

expectations, it was announced in May 2018 that the contract would be terminated early by the government; VTEC ceased operating on 23 June 2018, when.

which took effect on 18 November 2006, the law allowed pregnancies to be terminated for "therapeutic" reasons, but this clause is no longer in effect.

A streak shall not be terminated if all official plate appearances result in a base on balls, hit by.

needed to perform its mission had been lost, the FUSE mission would be terminated.

The supervisor may recommend to management that a particular employee be terminated and the supervisor may be the one who documents the behaviors leading.

The renovation work was scheduled to be terminated in March 2013.

trial of BEZ235 in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma had to be terminated prematurely due to toxicity and a lack of clinical efficacy .

excites an open space via a microstrip line or coaxial cable, and may be terminated with a sector-shaped area or a direct coaxial connection.

and he ultimately resigned from the NYPD rather than allow himself to be terminated.

that if not, the suspension of restrictions and other measures would be terminated within 5 working days.

Body movement may be terminated upon completion of a handspring, or the performer's momentum may be.

deleting files (such as a salary database trigger), should they ever be terminated from the company.

a certificate of origin regime until 5 June 2003, though they would be terminated if appropriate.

All measures would be terminated once the authority of the Sierra Leone government was restored in the.


finished; ended; concluded; complete; over; all over;


unfinished; unpainted; rough; preserved; unpolished;

be terminated's Meaning in Other Sites