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bookmark Meaning in Bengali

 ভবিষ্যতে কোন ওয়েব সাইটে দ্রুত প্রবেশের জন্য উক্ত লিঙ্ক বা ঠিকানাটি ব্রাউজারে সেইভ করে রাখা , পুস্তক নিশানা , পুস্তক চিহ্ন


পুস্তক-নিশানা, পুস্তক-চিহ্ন,

bookmark's Usage Examples:

In the context of the World Wide Web, a bookmark is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that is stored for later retrieval in any of various storage formats.

A bookmark is a thin marking tool, commonly made of card, leather, or fabric, used to keep track of a reader's progress in a book and allow the reader.

Social bookmarking is an online service which allows users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents.

Many online bookmark management.

icon), also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon, is a file containing one or more small icons, associated with a particular.

The XML Bookmark Exchange Language (XBEL), is an open XML standard for sharing Internet URIs, also known as bookmarks (or favorites in Internet Explorer).

Google Bookmarks is a free online bookmarking service available to Google Account holders.

It is completely separate from browser-based bookmarking and should.

A bookmarklet is a bookmark stored in a web browser that contains JavaScript commands that add new features to the browser.

access their most visited bookmarks from the toolbar, or recently bookmarked and tagged pages from the bookmark menu.

A dog ear can serve as a bookmark.

Smart bookmarks are an extended kind of Internet bookmark used in web browsers.

Xmarks, formerly Foxmarks, is a defunct bookmark synchronization add-on for web browsers.

A social bookmarking website is a centralized online service that allows users to store and share Internet bookmarks.

users are able to use standard browser navigation functionality, share and bookmark unique URLs that represent the currently displayed section or state of.

Bookmarking (also "gene bookmarking" or "mitotic bookmarking") refers to a potential mechanism of transmission of gene expression programs through cell.


bookmarker; marker;


natural object;

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