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brainwashing Meaning in Bengali

 মগজ ধোলাই,



brainwashing's Usage Examples:

undue influence in social and religious contexts, and a proponent of the brainwashing theory of New Religious Movements.

Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control is a 2004 popular science book explaining mind control, which is also known as brainwashing, thought reform.

" Dick Anthony, a forensic psychologist known for his criticism of brainwashing theory of conversion, has defended some so-called cults, and in 1988.

initially defined the ACM in 1981 as a collection of groups embracing brainwashing-theory, but later observed a significant shift in ideology towards pathologizing.

Aversion therapy, Electroconvulsive therapy, hypnosis, various attempts at brainwashing, and the inducing of fear or terror.

In its extreme form, it can also be a form of brainwashing.

surrounded by a group of sweet little old ladies who had been a part of their brainwashing.

end of the Joe/Cobra conflict and its resurgence, Billy shakes off his brainwashing, but is left unhinged.

written by Cliff Gould, starring John Vernon, involving the kidnapping and brainwashing of a race car driver in order to turn him into an assassin against America.

unclear; while it could be partly a product of Big Brother's formal brainwashing programs, the novel explicitly shows people learning doublethink and.

systems", are defined on their website as "unethical mind control such as brainwashing, thought reform, destructive persuasion and coercive persuasion".


Lifton originally used "milieu control" to describe brainwashing and mind control, but the term has since been applied to other contexts.

power-crazed charismatic con artist and cult leader skilled in manipulation and brainwashing.

West was deeply involved in Korean War-era CIA brainwashing experiments, the Agency's notorious MK-Ultra mind-control program, and.

Thomas Robbins have written that in their view, Abgrall's theories of brainwashing are pseudoscientific, and so unsuitable for use as a basis for legal.



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