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broadside Meaning in Bengali


রণপোতের একপার্শ্বস্থিত সমুদয় কামান,

broadside's Usage Examples:

A broadside is the side of a ship, the battery of cannon on one side of a warship; or their coordinated fire in naval warfare.

This includes a number of drafts, handwritten copies, and published broadsides.

A broadside (also known as a broadsheet) is a single sheet of inexpensive paper printed on one side, often with a ballad, rhyme, news and sometimes with.

on both broadsides was that the ship could engage more than one adversary at a time, and the rigging did not impede the field of fire.

Many ballads were written and sold as single sheet broadsides.

A broadside is a large sheet of paper printed on one side only.

Historically, broadsides were used as posters, announcing events or proclamations, commentary.

European continental navies, was a development of the (high-freeboard) broadside ironclad of the 1860s, given a substantial boost due to the inspiration.

the text comprising the final paragraph of the published broadside of July 4.

The broadside's final paragraph repeated the text of the Lee Resolution.

separate variants of this song, one deriving from 17th century English broadsides and sung by traditional singers in England, Ireland and North America.

The oldest manuscript of this English broadside ballad, according to the University of Rochester, dates back to 1557,.

Hill was printed by a number of publishers of broadside ballads.

seen to originate in the 16th and 17th centuries with the arrival of the broadside ballad as a result of the print revolution, which were sold cheaply and.

has survived as, among other forms, a late seventeenth-century English broadside ballad, and is one of several ballads about the medieval folk hero that.

This song has also survived as a late seventeenth-century English broadside ballad, and is one of several ballads about the medieval folk hero that.

Transportation ballads are a genre of broadside ballad some of which became an important part of the folk song traditions of Britain and Ireland.


bill; flier; circular; stuffer; handbill; flyer; broadsheet; throwaway; advertizement; advertising; ad; advertizing; advertisement; advert;


roughen; lose; gladden; abstain; leave;

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