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cudweed Meaning in Bengali

যে ফর্ম বা রঙ ক্ষতি ছাড়া শুকনো যাবে মহাজাতি Gnaphalium ফুল থাকার অসংখ্য গাছপালা কোনো

cudweed's Usage Examples:

They are sometimes called cottonroses or cudweeds.

The name cudweed comes from the fact that they were once used to feed cows that had lost.

Helichrysum luteoalbum, the Jersey cudweed, is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae.

because of its large population of a nationally endangered plant, red-tipped cudweed.

Gnaphalium sylvaticum, commonly known as heath cudweed, wood cudweed, golden motherwort, chafeweed, and owl's crown, is a species of plant in the sunflower.

Gnaphalium uliginosum or marsh cudweed is an annual plant found on damp, disturbed ground and tracks.

Filago pyramidata, common name broadleaf cottonrose or broad-leaved cudweed, is a European plant species in the sunflower family.

Pseudognaphalium arizonicum – Arizona cudweed Pseudognaphalium attenuatum- tapered cudweed Pseudognaphalium beneolens – Wright's cudweed Pseudognaphalium biolettii.

Gnaphalium norvegicum, the highland cudweed or Norwegian arctic cudweed, is a European species of plants in the sunflower family.

with glutinous rice flour, sugar, and a ground cooked paste of Jersey cudweed or Chinese mugwort.

an SSSI because it has a population of the nationally rare broad-leaved cudweed, which has been recorded at less than ten sites in Britain and is listed.

West Indies Gamochaeta andina – Chile Gamochaeta antarctica – Antarctic cudweed – Tierra del Fuego, Falkland Islands Gamochaeta antillana – southeastern.

include: Hesperevax acaulis - stemless dwarf-cudweed — California, Oregon Hesperevax caulescens - dwarf dwarf-cudweed, hogwallow starfish — endemic to California.

Gamochaeta ustulata, commonly named featherweed or Pacific cudweed, is a North American species of flowering plant in the sunflower family.

flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name stemless dwarf cudweed.

Chevreulia lycopodioides, the clubmoss cudweed, is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae.

population of several thousand plants of the nationally rare red-tipped cudweed in large patches throughout the site.

Euchiton sphaericus (star cudweed, tropical creeping cudweed) is a herb native to Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Taiwan, Java, and Philippines.

cudweed's Meaning':

any of numerous plants of the genus Gnaphalium having flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color


Artemisia gnaphalodes; prairie sage; white sage; Artemisia ludoviciana; western mugwort; mugwort;


mitigated; impermanent;

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